Anomaly in the Dark - Catastrophic State AU

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Hello everyone, I've finally risen from my grave and am now here to deliver you this 3000+ words very long oneshot of a new AU!

So, does everyone remember the AU poll?
Yeah, this is supposed to be the "Evil AU" story, but it turned out a little different than what I planned. But it still consists of the basis in which Hermits are either evil or going crazy.
What do I mean by that? You'll see
More info at the end of the chapter

Anyways, Enjoy!

/-+* Grian's POV *+-\


I fell face first into the hard concrete ground. My head felt dizzy and nauseous. Ignoring the pain, I slowly got up, and tried to recognize my surroundings.
Tall trees... flowers... grass... where am I?

Still in a bit of a daze, I stood up. My head still hurt, and my body still felt pain from the fall- wait.
I paused, before looking around the area. I fell? From where? Where am I and how did I get here?

In the area, there didn't seem to be any tall objects or buildings that I would be able to fall from... well, maybe the trees? This place seems to be a forest of some sort. There seemed to be no one in the area.
I looked up at the blue cloudy sky and thought. Did I fall from the sky-? No, that's not right. How would I have flown up there in the first p-
I stopped for a moment, remembering that I do have wings, but that still doesn't explain anything. I can't even fly that well, and even if I did fly, I couldn't have flown this far away from the Empire, nor from EVO. And yet, I don't recognize any of this terrain.

I started walking around, my wings flowing in the wind. The noises of rustling leaves and tweeting birds in the area were the only things I've heard since my arrival in this odd place. The air is fresh and the breeze is cold, despite it being daytime.
I didn't know what I was supposed to do now, there seemed to be no signs of civilization anywhere nearby. As I was about to take another step, I froze at the sounds of footsteps nearby. Moments later, I could hear two voices coming near, talking to each other.

"...Are you sure it was a person?"
"Look, it looked like a silhouette of a person, you saw it too, you would know."

I froze in place, before realizing I was out in the open. I quickly went for the nearest tall tree, and climbed up it. I quickly hid my wings, and then held my breath, making sure I didn't make a noise.
Right after, I heard the two people talking again.

"I mean, it did look like a person, but we could easily be mistaken." A male voice said, sounding unsure.
"My eyes don't deceive me like that, Keralis." The other voice, which sounded like a woman, said. "You saw it too, it looked like a person with either wings or an elytra. Maybe an angel, but it definitely looked like a person falling from the sky." She insisted, sounding very certain. "Whether it was an angel, or someone from the revolt trying to sneak in, we need to make sure."
"False, you aren't suggesting that someone from the revolt uh- "catapulted" themselves all the way here... are you?" 'Keralis' stated.
"That is certainly a possibility, you never know." 'False' replied, almost not listening.
"But- what would their goal be that they would go that far and do such a feat?" He asked, following the other.
"Probably to sneak into the official building, duh!" She scoffed. "They are the revolt, it's logical to think that they, who are against the mayoralty, would try to sneak into the town."

Eavesdropping on the conversation, I started to wonder what they were talking about. "The Revolt"? "An elytra"? "The Mayoralty"? Is there some kind of war going on in this place?

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