Happy (late) Evil Authors Day 2022!

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Hey peeps, been a while.

For the people who don't know (I didn't until an hour ago, yes, I'm late to the party) Feb 15th is considered 'Evil Authors Day'. What's that? Well, I did a bit of googling, and the conclusion I came to after reading a bunch of sources is that it's apparently it's a day when authors share WIPs of various different projects, ranging from Titles, Concepts, to Snippets.
Where's the evil in that? Well, it's that the author is not obliged to give any promises on whether or not the wips will actually be completed. If you are interested in one or two of the things I'm sharing here, just pray that I have time to actually make them since I can't promise anything.
And no, you're not allowed to use any of the more 'original' AUs, unless with permission.

Anyways, yeah, let's just move on to it, starting from oneshots

The Poltergeist of Mischief (But it's a Harry Potter AU)

I actually do have a Harry Potter AU on Ao3 that I haven't posted on here (but can if people request it), and this is a oneshot from said AU.
Concept: Grian is Peeves. Thats it. That's the Oneshot.


"Hello, Doc."

The professor from the class across seemed to have walked up to him. He had blue hair, and wore a silver white robe with golden tips and details.
"Morning, Scott." Doc greeted back. "Am I right in assuming that a certain pesky ghost did- this?"

"Honestly, I don't doubt it." Scott sighed. "Though I'm surprised they're not here right now laughing at what they've done."

"What did I do?"

Suddenly, there was a 'pop' noise, and a figure appeared right before them, flying 2 meters from the ground. They wore some sort of jester hat on their head, and had a colorful red attire that seems like it belongs in a circus. The figure had a mischievous glint in their eyes, and the ear-to-ear grin on their face was not hidden in the slightest.

"Pesky bird." Scott directed the sharp tone at the ghost-like figure.

'PB's grin only grew. They formally bowed down jokingly at the blue haired. "At your service, Mr. Deputy Headmaster. Could I know what you acquire?"

"Did you do this?"

"What? No, of course not!" They said, tone uncharacteristically convincing. "I could only dream..."

Scott looked at him confusedly. "But then who else w-"

"-of doing such a masterpiece level prank! This level of beauty is seriously out of my level, it's so splendid!" They stated, rising up higher in the air and cackling. "The one prankster in charge of this must be some real artistic evil genius!"

Next one was actually for the October 2021 Hermittpad Boo Games, but I just sort of left it sitting in my docs and never completed it.
Prompt was Werewolf, though I (and by I I mean my glorious Hermittpad Adoptive Mother BlueQuills) took a different turn with it than most expect


It's been a full week since Zedaph has ever shown himself or even sent a message in chat. He hasn't been reading any messages, and nobody has seen him in a while. People have started to feel concerned for the blond, constantly checking to see if he's responded to anything, but alas, he hadn't. And yet, the server logs never showed anything about him leaving the server, no, he's been online for the entire week, and yet nobody has seen him.

Now, it was no secret to the other hermits that Zed was this some sort of mad scientist this season, but even for a mad scientist, not responding to any calls nor messages for a full week is still abnormal. And so, Impulse and Tango decided to investigate. They walked into his base, calling his name, but no response.

Dream Councils AU

Concept: Basically people in the AU have 'dream councils' who decide what they will dream about at night

Now, for the actual 'books'

Superheroes AU (I have two of these, one for Last Life and one for HC)


Snippet (Last life):

"No way!" Bdubs huffed, immediately continuing after Xisuma shot him a questioning look. "I mean- they started it! We're not going to just go there and apologize for nothing!"

"I mean, they did start it, to be fair." Tango added right after, but then glancing a look of assurance to the admin. "But you might be right, we should sort out this feud before it escalates any further. I mean- two of those stinky boatem members used to be villains, don't know what they'll do to us if we don't!" He said the last bit in a joking manner.

Fantasy/RPG AU

Been in the works for almost a year now.

Hermitcraft Backrooms Fic

Murder Mystery Fic

All I can say is that it involves murder. And Mafias.

Hermitcraft Empires SMP AU

The hermits are civilians from different empires and they unite and create a save space when the corruption thing happens.


"Alright- alright, everyone- EVERYONE! let's solve this in a non-violent way- shall we?" Joe said, ushering to calm everyone, and surprisingly, the area actually went dead silent. He turned his attention to the blond. "G- er, Sir Gri-"

"For the love of Cod- just Grian. Please. Do not refer to me with any fancy titles. I will not respond." The other interrupted flatly.

"Alright- Grian, are you open with a deal?" The poet said, before continuing. "I first must convince you that, no, we are not a revolution, nor were we planning on making one."

The kingdom advisor raised a brow. "Then what are all of you?"


MCYT Highschool AU (Once again, I have two of these, actually, one serious one and one crack one just for oneshots)

Plot summary (the serious one):
Gemini gets recruited as an english teacher of a highschool. The highschool has apparently been through some kind of accident beforehand, and all of the students in it are the survivors. Gem starts off in it as any homeroom teacher would, but she then quickly realized, this was no ordinary highschool.

Snippet (The Crack One - Oneshot one, "Conglomerates"):

"Psst! Mumbo!"

The mustached brit nearly jumped as he heard a voice from behind him. He turned around, and at the corner of the hallway, a certain figure with a mischievous grin he recognized was looking right at him, peeking from behind the wall.

"Oh lord, what is it this time, Grian?" Mumbo sighed casually, greeting the smaller.

"Boatem meeting!" The shorter whisper-yelled. "West school courtyard, near the fountain! Be there in 10 minutes!"

That's all I have for now, once again, Happy late Evil Authors Day!
I'll take my leave now, byE! SEe you if I decide to complete any of these AUs!

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