Small Prank - Scarian - Fluff

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First oneshot! Yes, I'm a huge Scarian fan actually-

also please excuse my cringe and bad writing, this is my first time writing a Oneshot.

Ship: Platonic
Category: Fluff?
Setting: around the beginning of Season 7

\-+* Grian's POV *+-/

I was in my hobbit hole, thinking of what pranks I should do next to my good neighbor, Scar, since I'm bored. I came up with a lot of trashy ideas.

Maybe I can leave a bunch of spiders inside his base? no.
Maybe I can make an anonymous tower next to the snail? no.
Maybe I should just leave harmless things that look like traps in his base?

Finally, A good Idea that's doable and hilarious

I hopped out of the hobbit hole and walked over to Larry the Snail. When I got closer, I started sneaking and trying to listen if he's home. He's not home, good.

I grabbed a crafting bench and began to craft some things that will be useful.


\-+* Scar's POV *+-/

"what happened here?" I said to myself confused.

I was walking back from mining, and as I walked closer to Larry The Snail, I started to notice that there was a whole lot of pressure plates and buttons everywhere. Did someone decided to trap my base?

I slowly approached my base, paranoid. I noticed that the placement of the buttons and pressure planes were actually completely random, but I'm still feeling paranoid, I already died more than enough times and it'd only the start of the season. I stopped walking and looked at the button that's in front of me, It's so tempting to try and press it.

I reach out to it, hesitated for a second, pressed it, and closed my eyes. Then I opened them again to see if I was safe, and it seems... nothing happened. I sigh in relief.

I started to slowly and carefully remove the harmless pressure plates and buttons, but I still felt a little paranoid, and a part of me thinks someone is watching me. And right as I was almost done, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned, it's a cake and a sign. I approached to see what the sign said, and I read tbe following:
Is this cake a lie?

I reread the contents and looked at the Cake. Then I noticed it had an observer underneath it, well that's definitely suspicious. I looked around me, I still can't shake the feeling that someone or something is watching me, and it's beginning to creep me out a little. I saw nothing, so I turned my eyes back to the cake. I debated with myself whether or not I should try and take a slice to see what happens.

It looks to obvious for a trap, but it also looks dangerous, I'm curious if something would happen if I took a slice. But what if something bad actually happens? But also, It's probably just free cake! but what if its a trap...

I stayed there and debated with myself for what seems like 5 minutes, before slowly taking a slice, and right as I took the slice-


I screamed and jumped as someone sneaked up behind me. I turn around, and who did I see? Grian. Of course it's the one and only Grian.

"Grian! You scared the living daylights out of me!" I said pretending to be mad. He chuckles, "Sorry not sorry!".

"Gri, were you the one that placed buttons and pressure plates all over my base?" I asked.

"no it wasn't, it was the man in the chicken costume!" He said in a joking manner.

"but Grian, I thought you're the man in the chicken costume!" I giggled.

"I dunno what you're talking about!" he said defensively.

We both laughed, "so you were the one who did this, right? you actually scared me for a bit there!"

"I guess you could say you got very SCARed of the prank!" He said with a grin, then he laughed at his own joke, and then did a victory jump "and that's a mission success to me!".

oh boy, I can already tell the rest of the season is going to be a blast, with a wild Grian as my neighbor.
word count: 763 words

It's finally done! Sorry if it's bad and short, once again, this is my first time writing a oneshot story.

If you have any requests, be sure to leave them in the comments, and I might do them! So long, see you all soon!

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