Incorrect quotes 2

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yeah I'm feeling lazy right now, sorry

Quick note: These quotes feature both season 6 and 7, so you'll probably see both mixed in

Hels: Mom! there's a monster under my bed!

Hels: It's hideous!

Wels: So this is why you wanted a bunk bed?


X: y'know, it must suck being you, and not being able to laugh.

EX: I can laugh. I have a sense of humor.

X: Really? I never heard you laugh before.

EX: I never heard you say anything funny.


Kettle pot: *Screams*

Grian: *Screams louder*

Mumbo: so... are we going to stop him or-?

Doc: Shush. I wanna see who wins.


EX: it's Valentine's day. Today I only speak in poems.


Hels: *sigh*

Hels: roses are red, violets are violet.

Hels: please stop dancing on the fucking toilet.


Biffa: Dating tip, hold the door for your date, rip the door off the frame, use it to fight off other the men, establish your dominance.

Jevin: …I'm seriously beginning to see why you're single


Bdubs: why can't trees give off something useful, like wifi?


Doc: so fuck oxygen, am I right?


Impulse: where are you going?

Tango: Either to get ice cream or go blow stuff up. I'll decide later.


Zed: can I come-?


X: I wish there was something between us.

Grian: Really?

X: yeah.

X: A wall would be nice.

X: an extra long one.


Scar: Grian is a really nice friend of mine-

Grian, in the background: *placing down TNT*

Mumbo: GRIAN NO-

Scar: -He's a very generous, quiet and productive gremlin, I swear-

Grian: *lighting the TNT* ALL BLOWS UP!


Etho: I am a very aware and reasonable person.

Beef: This morning you thought a ghost took your toast.




X: What scares you the most?

Grian: Killer rabbits!

Doc: Cats!

Iskall: Diorite!

Scar: Mycelium!

Biffa: the unstoppable force of time that is leading us closer to our inevitable deaths.

Wels: ...Biffa.


Grian: what would you do if I got hit by a truck?

Mumbo: I would call an ambulance of course, what else?

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