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You didn't know how but they had you. And you were terrified.

But you had no time to think just yet as the guards dragged you through hallways and down sets of stairs. You didn't know wether to kick and thrash and fight back or to just let them drag you to wherever you were going. But you didn't have your powers. You were weak.

You stood no chance against them: they were heavily armed with guns you had never seen before. Every door you passed, every corner, had guards lurking there- you would be heavily outnumbered.

You took a note of the doors you passed, the turns you took, the stairwells, creating a map in your head- Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D had trained you for things like this.

You went down a final stairwell, into a room nearly fully dark, save for two dim circular lights flashing and buzzing on the roof above.
They marched you to a cell, all on its own, secluded in a corner from the dark room.

There were already 3 guards posted at each corner of the room.

Without the capacity to panic, you let them throw you into the dark cell, the damp ground slicing your knees as you fell on your broken leg. You let out a scream of pain, your voice reaching you finally. You heard metal clunking behind you and low murmurs In Russian, you only just realised, before 5 pairs of footsteps trailing away.

You managed to lift and turn your head back towards the door you were so violently thrown through, and you could see no guards posted anywhere. Why would they leave you unattended? Didn't they know your training?

What you were capable of?


You hauled yourself into the far corner of the cell that was just wall and sat, staring at the darkness.

A thousand thoughts flew around your head, you couldn't concentrate on one. You had so many questions. But you would get answers. You were going to find out their plan, and you were going to escape.

You rested your head back on the cold wall behind you, and you couldn't help thinking of Bucky. He'd barely even touched on details about what happened to him while he was under HYDRA's mind control, hadn't gone into any specifics. But he had severe PTSD, you had seen a panic attack with your own eyes.

You knew that they brainwashed him, and got him to do unspeakable things to people while he wasn't himself. But you didn't exactly know how.

And then it clicked.

When you were being dragged out of the room earlier, you had glimpsed a machine, with a red lever. You'd been lying on a table, been strapped down, and you'd had a block of metal in your mouth. You'd watched plenty of TV, and you were so sure you had seen that setup elsewhere. But that couldn't be possible, you wouldn't be able to remember Bucky, you wouldn't have been able to map parts of the facility.

Your brain would be completely frazzled.

You knew it was a long shot, but was it possible that whatever they intended to do with your brain didn't work?

After all, they left you here with no guards, you hadn't fought back at them when they were dragging you out of sheer terror, but they expected that. For you to be docile.

Well then that's what you would be.

If it meant getting closer to finding out more information about them, their plan.

But if this was true, then how?

Bucky was strong, trained even better than you, but he fell into submission as easy as that, completely powerless.

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