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I'm sorry this one is short I've been really busy with school :(
Please check out my other story '70 years' about a past life being in love with Bucky that you don't remember but he does that I'm trying to update alongside this one < 3
Thank you for all the readsss it means a lot !! Please Keep voting if you want to see more !!


Her eyes flicked open carefully, and my stomach dropped. My throat went dry as I saw her turn to me and I opened my mouth to say something; but only ragged breaths came out.

When Bucky called into the comms for me and Steve, I was fighting.

I was shocked to hear him but concentrating on the matter at hand, in the present moment it being a bald burly Russian dude with a gun, I let his voice drone out into the grunts from the man and the clangs from my suit.

That was, until I heard 'somethings happened to y/n.'

The man I had been fighting had fallen to the floor with my final punch and I stepped back, not caring to wipe the blood carefully trickling from my nose. I pressed a finger to my in-ear monitor and said breathily to Steve.

He responded after a short while, sounding out of breath too, but this time it wasn't from the monitor.

"Let's go." He said from next to me and I nodded.

She stared at me and I could just see the pain behind her eyes. I had nothing; absolutely nothing in me to be mad at her for leaving.

It was her decision, i always told myself that if she decided she was ready I was okay with that.

This situation was not one she landed herself in.

The trouble was that fucking man who couldn't keep his fucking hands to himself.

How could I be angry at her?

A tear bloomed at my eyes. I could see the remembrance on her face when she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in.

She opened her eyes again and looked down at her body. I was ready to take the outfit she was wearing and burn it, anything to get rid of a trace of that guy. But that was her decision to make.

Everything was her decision to make.

So as much as it pained me to see the blood and the scratch marks and the rips, I left her in the clothes.

I hung my head as she surveyed the damage, running a hand along a particularly long rip on the inside of her thigh.

"Uh." She said, her voice breaking.

"I got um, slashed. Has it-?"

"Nat bandaged it up, but Bruce can take care of it properly if you want him to. We didn't- I didn't know what you....wanted." I tried to think carefully about every word, I didn't want to trigger her. I didn't want to give her any more reason to think back on the events.

She smiled at me.

"Dad it's alright." She just said and turned her head back to her pillow, looking at the ceiling.
"He uh- he never. He never actually....................................I'm alright. He was just a drunk dickhead looking for 'fun." She made air quotes with her fingers and we sat there in silence for a while before she spoke again.

"Get Bruce. It's okay." She said, bringing a hand to rest on my knee and I stood up, leaving the room, but lingering at the door for a while.

"Love you." I said to her.

"Love you too Dad." She smiled back and I left before she saw me break down.


I knew getting Bruce was okay because I knew Bruce wasn't him.

He dressed my wound, asked me before every slight touch if it was alright.

I said it was and it was.

Bruce was a godsend. He was quiet and dedicated but then extremely intelligent and witty.

Expert in gamma radiation, S.H.I.E.L.D had picked him up a while ago to trace the tesseract. But he fought in New York and became a part of the avengers. He was close with Nat and Tony, a half of the, at least avengers, famous 'science bro's'.

He would constantly reiterate that he was not a 'doctor' but eventually stopped ninnying and took on his role. We'd go to him when we needed patching up. He would thread stitches, pick out bits of shrapnel, and he knew how to make a cast. Anything that was really critical we would go to Dr. Cho, but as time went on, Bruce learned more and more things and could treat worse and worse injuries.

Bruce told me that if the cut starts itching or I have a temperature, that it might be infected and I should come back to him to check and see if I needed medication.

When he'd finished, I wanted to find Nat or Wanda. I wasn't intimidated by any of the men in the house, I'd grew up with them, I was extremely close with them.
They were all good people.

So I wasn't scared of them.

He didn't make me scared of them.

But I needed to talk to Wanda or Nat because they are like sisters to me. Growing up without a mom led them to be the female figures I looked up to, and went to for advice.

They understood me and I trusted them. I knew that I could talk to them about this.
So, I got out of that hospital bed and walked utterly numb all the way to them.

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