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You were there, In the water tank. You could barely make out any shapes in the darkness of the room and it was deadly silent, the only sound the water, splashing as you thrashed again and again. The room stunk of chemicals, the smell was rancid, it made you feel sick.

In a split second you heard a voice cut through the silence, a dark, foreboding voice that sounded almost like death itself. It spoke to you. It addressed you.

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N." And it clicked its tongue. You couldn't make out where the sound was coming from, it was hitting every corner of your brain, every inch of the room.

Then someone touched you, out of nowhere. You were pushed inside the tank, inside darkness itself, thrashing and thrashing and screaming into the water. You screamed and screamed and used up your last few breaths trying to get anyone to hear you.

Then you couldn't breathe properly. Your eyes widened and you had seconds before you would drown. You punched and kicked at the darkness, but it was everywhere, you couldn't reach it, you couldn't pull it away. It stretched for miles and miles and you took a breath in, your last breath, and spent it fighting around the dark-
"Y/N!" Someone shouted


You bolted upright in your bed, darkness all around you, consuming you, your body hot and sweaty in a tank top and the same sweatpants from earlier on in the day. You reached to clutch your throat, trying to steady your breathing.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Turn the lights on." You said in quick panic, and in a split second the room was enveloped in brightness. You looked around your room and took note of everything.

It was as you left it, everything was in its place. You were in your room , at the tower- it was familiar to you, it was a place you felt safe in.

Your breathing had slowed down, your heart no longer racing in your chest. You rubbed your eyes, trying to erase the memories of the nightmare, the flashback you just had.

You thought about going back to sleep, the clock told you it was 2am- The middle of the night- But you couldn't sleep again tonight; Because you might have another nightmare.

You reached around to your bedside for your crutches, trying to be as quiet as possible as the metal clanked together, and swung your legs around to the side of the bed.

You stood up slowly, balancing on your crutches.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y please don't alert anyone that I have woken up. It'll just cause commotion." You said into the quiet of the room, your words eaten up in the silence of the middle of the night.

"As you wish Miss Stark." The AI replied back quietly- she got the gist.

You went to the toilet, struggling, before washing your hands and tying back your hair while balancing against the sink.

You'd slept with the ring in your pocket. You'd completely forgot about it, stuffing it in your pocket earlier as Tony watched in shock. Why was he so shocked at that?

You just took it off, and put it in your pocket.

It was just a ring

As you approached them, they shouted in Russian and aimed their guns. You stuck your hand out, you didn't know why, it wasn't like your hand would deflect a bullet. And they fell to the ground in front of you. All 4 of them, on the floor. You stared at shock and then looked at your hand, what had happened to your powers? What you were doing right now wasn't them.

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