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The moments, minutes, hours after that had been a haze of panic.

You had no idea what this meant. For you, for everyone.

You had no idea how, where it was coming from.

You were scared. God, you were scared.

Without the team, without contact with any of them, unable to even go anywhere.

Or at least, you thought.

In the minutes after the pain stopped and the mark appeared, you'd been inspecting it on your leg, but unable to get a really clear view. And in just a moment of sheer forgetfulness through the panic, you'd bent your leg.

You hadn't noticed, there had been no ache, no scream of pain. Just Bucky, staring at you, brows furrowed, mouth slightly parted.

It took you more than a moment to realise what you had done that had shocked him so much, before coming to your senses and being shocked yourself.

Thinking now that there was nothing to lose, you stood up, Bucky lurching at you a little, hands hovering ready to catch you, obviously confused.

But as you stood, on both your feet, applying pressure to both legs equally and then transferring your weight to your "broken" leg, you didn't feel not even the slightest little twinge of pain.


You walked around the room, and then you ran, you hopped on your bad leg, and you laughed softly and shook your head in disbelief. Your leg was back in use, yes.

But the mark.

You realised what you needed to do.

Without giving Bucky any warning, you sprinted out the room, heading to the lab. You heard him call your name but it wasn't long before he was running after you. You took the stairs, 8 sets of them, before you reached the lab.

It was unlocked, of course, Bruce never bothered to lock it, for some odd reason. But it was working to your advantages today.

You didn't know where to look or what to press or where to go to, but you knew what to say.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y can I get an analysis on this please?" You nodded to your leg, and the robot responded.

"Sit in the chair in-front of you please, Miss Stark, and I'll run an observation." You nodded and smiled at Bucky timidly, as he watched from the doorway, hurrying to the chair.

When you sat down in it a yellow beam of light appeared shining on your leg, much like the one that did at the time of your X ray. You waited eagerly for F.R.I.D.A.Y to make her analysis, drumming your fingers on the chair, before the AI Assistent spoke, and your heart sunk.

"Miss Stark, I am afraid I can pull up little information on this. It is the HYDRA logo, appearing to have been burnt into your skin. It seems to be the result of some sort of technology stemming from Russia, though I have no exact location."

Little information. And she wasn't even sure.

You just took a breath, and smiled through your disappointment, nodding.

"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y." You replied, and rose from the chair, before looking at Bucky.

"Listen, I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this, about the team." You explained to him, and he ran a hand through his long hair.

If it weren't for the deadly serious nature of the conversation, you would've found that extremely attractive-
You pushed away your thoughts, focusing on the team.

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