ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋᴜᴘꜱ & ᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ

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You woke up from a nightmare-less sleep at 10:30. Tony came into your room after you told F.R.I.D.A.Y to tell him you were awake. He said that you were going to meet Bruce at 11 if you were up to it, just to check up on how your leg was healing.

You agreed.

You knew showering was going to be out of the question, with your leg still being extremely painful to put pressure on. Tony suggested having baths, and you smiled and nodded, when you knew there was no way you were getting in a bath. It reminded you too much of-

You settled on a method. You would sit in the bottom of the shower, legs out in-front of you with your brace off, and wash your hair that way. It wasn't exactly comfortable but it worked well.

You were careful with the water, not getting it in your ears or in your eyes. You had to remind yourself constantly that you weren't drowning.

You were safe.

It was just a shower.

As for how you would wash your body, you just did that in the same way, sitting on the floor of the shower.

Now you just sat, waiting for your hair to completely dry, on the end of your bed, leg back in the brace. You'd struggled into some jeans and t shirt, a flannel shirt over the top.
Your mind drifted back to the ring as you waited for Tony to come and get you from your room.

Was it safe in the draw? Could it be destroyed? How was it made? Why was the doctor wearing it? How did he find it? What even was it?

The door clicked and your eyes darted towards it.

"Just me." Your Dad said with a smile as he poked his head around the door. "You ready?" He asked, and you nodded and smiled. You wondered if he knew you were up last night.

He helped you find your balance on your crutches and the two of you walked - well, one hobbled- towards the lab.

Bruce was waiting inside, messing with machines and tech. He smiled and paused when he saw you walk in the door, Tony holding it open for you. You smiled back, you'd really missed Bruce.

"Bruce." You nodded "Good to see you again." You smiled still.

He'd been out on the roof, one of the closest to you along with your dad and Steve. You could see his face in your mind as he watched you standing on the le-

"Good to have you back." He walked over and ruffled your hair.

"Well, if you two are good here." Your Dad said and you nodded, you understood he had business, and he kissed you on the top of the head before walking through the door.

"Oh, and Y/N." He started "We're all out on a mission later, but Tin-Man will be in to babysit you." He smirked

You rolled your eyes at him. He really thought you needed babysitting, you were 20 for gods sake, and he blew you a kiss before walking down the hallway, looking smug the whole time. You heard Bruce chuckle a little and you turned back to him.

"How's the leg? Can you put any pressure on it yet?" Bruce said.

I haven't tried much if I'm honest. How bad is it?" You asked him, grimacing.

"Well, come over here and we'll take a look."
He said, going to stand by a computer next to a little chair in the middle of the room. As you hobbled you passed Monitors and Gadgets and wondered what he had been up to in the time you were gone: whatever work Bruce did- it was usually crucial; important.

You sat down in the chair, looking at the screen Bruce was looking at, but you didn't understand any of it.

"I'm gonna do an X-Ray, just to see how the break is healing. Is that alright?" He asked, turning back to you.

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