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Words failed you.

You didn't even have it in you to deny it. You just felt froze to the spot, like any move could send this man over the edge.
It was the same fear you felt when you were strapped down to that table the first day you were here.

So you just gulped and stared ahead towards the door, not wanting to look into his eyes, here in this place they all had a depth of evil behind them.

You heard him chuckle next to you, the sound hollow and sinister.

Then a hand coming in contact fast, a stinging pain across your cheek, your head knocked to the side in impact.

You kept your head dropped low for a second, and gathered your thoughts. Then you took a deep breath, and raised it slowly, looking back towards the door, making sure to convey no emotion on your face.

It hurt a little, but you wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of seeing it on your face.

The corners of your mouth tugged up slightly in a smirk. You promised to be strong, for the team, for yourself.

"We want answers." The doctor started again. "Our technology is not one to fail, but you. You cheated. How?"

Again, you couldn't speak. You thought it best to keep quiet, though you didn't actually have an answer yet. You were just about as clued in as him. Your silence seemed to aggravate him more though, and you didn't need that to happen.

"Your making it difficult for me, Y/N." He said softer than you'd ever heard him before as he reached the pocket of his lab coat and pulled out- a dagger.

You thoroughly debated running at that point. But how far would you get, you'd mapped the building but without your powers you had no real arsenal.

You barely kept yourself from shaking in terror, you could try to disarm him, you could punch the knife right out of his hand.

But clearly that was what he was prepared for, considering he left you without restraint on this chair, and he would have guards charging in with more weapons after you.

He brought the flat edge of the small knife to your face, the cold kissing your face and slowly but surely twisted the dagger over so that the sharp edge was rested against the side of your cheek. It scratched but he didn't press down hard enough for it to seriously hurt- yet.

Time to remember everything S.H.I.E.L.D taught you about withstanding torture.

"I'll try this again." He cooed. "How did you do it? What powers do you have that kept you from succumbing."

You really didn't have an answer. So he really didn't know about your once dormant powers. Was it even possible that they could be helping?

You practiced in your cell when you got the chance, and you just got the same results you did at the hospital. The same empty feeling. There really was nothing there; at least you thought. But you didn't control electricity.

Just then you felt the knife press into your skin, hard enough to cause real pain, and a nasty cut.

He was getting impatient.

Then it dragged downwards so slowly, the cerated edge digging into your skin like a thousand needles. You felt warm, sticky, blood. You bit down on your scream and you tensed up your whole body, anything to keep you from bolting. You'd been taught to deal with torture of this kind incase a situation ever came to that- a mission went wrong.

So you clamped your teeth together, so hard you thought they would break. Tears welled at your eyes, threatening to spill, but you willed them back.

You were strong.

You were strong.

He dragged still, a longer line heading down towards the base of your neck. The blood trickling further, to the point where you could see it dripping on the tiles. The pain builded and builded, but just occasional grunts slipped your mouth.

Then it stopped.


And you were slapped again.
"SPEAK." He shouted, spit flying out of his mouth. 

The cut stung horribly as it was hit, like a piercing pain through your face. You bit down once again and smirked. Now your blood was on his hands, the idea amused you.

"Maybe you need a little... motivation." He spat, smiling once again that evil smile, and you made yourself look at him, your face cold.

You would kill this man.

Just then he left the room. Motivation. What did he have, who did he have? The fear set you shaking. If he had one of your team-

You didn't want to think about it.

The doctor came back in, a little TV on a stand trailing after him, a guard pushing it. He set it in the corner as you glared and him and he smiled. Just then he clicked a button, on the right of the TV, and the picture started. He left you then, along with the guard, the door closing and locking behind them.

What you saw on the TV took you a moment to comprehend. You saw people, fighting. Men, soldiers in black, guns out. You saw flashes of blue, and of sliver. Circles and blasts of red. It took you a second.
Then it all clicked
You were watching them.

Your team.

You stood out of your chair, ignoring your leg and limped and dragged yourself closer to the TV. This was live. But where?

The worst part about it was that they were clearly being defeated. The soldiers in black charged and shot and tackled and punched and kicked at them. You could only see Steve, and Wanda.

The tears started. You reached up to touch the screen. You couldn't help your sobs, seeing them.

Then the TV clicked.

You saw new surroundings, new people. You saw red, and gold. Tony. Your dad. He was fighting men, with HYDRA badges on their arms.

Rage overcame you. You didn't want to see anymore. You pushed the TV from its stand, the screen crashing in pieces of glass on the floor, and you fell to the floor.

Blood covered your arm, blood covered the floor. You sat there. Sobbing and screaming and crying, cursing the doctor that you knew stood outside.

You barely even noticed when the door opened again, and soldiers came in. You were crying and screaming more and more, you let the soldier surround you.

You felt impact on your ribs, the pain blinding you. You were pushed to the floor on your back by the blow. Then impacts all over, you felt pain all over your body, skin contacting with skin. They punched and kicked and surrounded you, and darkness flooded in like that day on the roof.

You fell into it crying.

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