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My breathing quickened as I stood in the room, the teams gazes fixed upon me, waiting for me to speak. But I couldn't.

My breathing was quickening by the second, until I became light headed. My grip on the kitchen counter behind me was tightening, until my knuckles were white and it became painful. I tried to steady myself there, something solid to hold onto.

All of the team were here now, they'd all rushed in to see what was happening, and joined the crowd. I felt like the walls were caving in, there were too many people.

The silence around the room was deafening.
My breathing was still getting quicker and quicker, my head turning, a terrible sick feeling in my stomach, my hand gripping harder onto the counter. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe.

My hand reached up to grab my throat, but every shallow breath felt like I was breathing underwater, my lungs weren't collecting enough air. I started to cry, in panic, tears falling hot and fresh on my cheeks.

I felt like I could throw up.

As if in answer, bile rose at the back of my throat but I swallowed it down, In an attempt to help my breathing, now through my nose and my mouth, swapping between the two in some attempt to help breathe.

The world started to spin around me, and the people in the room became blurry, my knees gave way and met with the cold tiles of the floor.

I heard ringing in my ears, distracting me, stopping me from thinking straight. I closed my eyes, to get rid of the disorientating, blurry version of the room. I hugged my knees to my chest; clinging onto them as if I was keeping myself together.

In the darkness of my closed eyes, a noise cut through the ringing, loud and crisp and clear.
"Hey, Y/N." It said. "Open Your eyes, look at me." I opened my eyes, to find Bucky close to me, everything behind his face was blurry, so i focused on him before he asked;

"Good, now breathe with me, okay?" I found it in myself through the sickness and panic to nod.

"In.........." he took in a deep breath, i did the same, struggling "and...out.............." i pushed the air out of my lungs, the breath wavering.

"In............." he started again, and i copied him. "And out............." I took another breath out, and my vision started to clear.

"In..................and out..............." I carried on like that until finally my breathing had returned to normal and i didn't feel like i was about to throw up everywhere.

At some point, I quickly registered what had happened, and stood up abruptly, still feeling just a little dizzy.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry." Embarrassment crept in to my cheeks and i wiped my eyes and looked at the group apologetically. Tony stepped forward as Bucky stood up and he hugged me. He didn't let go.

At some point, Wanda moved over to me, and hugged me as well. Then Nat drifted over, and Steve, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Vision, Clint, Peter. All except Bucky came over and joined what was now a group hug.

We used to do this before every mission we all had together.

It almost felt like old times.

I was so close to my family.

We all loved each other greatly.

Tears were blooming at my eyes now, and I felt like they were literally holding me together. I could see Bucky in the corner of the room, and he caught my stare. I smiled; group hugs weren't his thing- and then laughed a little at him. He returned my smile, chuckling with his mouth closed slightly.

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