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She was silent. Her gaze was fixed nowhere in particular, her eyes looked cloudy. She looked distant.

Thinking, she was thinking.

He knew you only had limited time, he knew you would choose to die if it meant it was benefiting your family. He knew because he'd seen it first hand. The memory of the roof, the first night and the last. He couldn't save you, he couldn't do anything.

But Peter did.

She didn't know that.

Peter had jumped off the roof after her. And Peter had been shot in the process.

The memories haunted him still, 6 months later and now here he was, letting it happen again.

He made eye contact with Bucky, and he nodded.

And right there in that moment, is where he saved her life.

"zhelaniye" Steve started, quietly, and Bucky closed his eyes.

The doctor turned, and froze as he carried on.
"Rzhavyy." He carried on. "Semnadtsat."

Bucky's breathing had become heavy. The rest of the team were watching Steve, open mouthed.

Scared, really.

"Rassvet. Pech." Steve kept his breathing steady as Bucky stood up.

The doctor was watching them, frozen on the spot. Y/N's eyes were still distant, she was unaware.

"Devyat. Dobroserdechnyy. Vozvrashcheniye na rodinu" Steve's words were louder and quicker every time, until he was practically shouting. Time was running out for him.


Then he shouted, the last word, Bucky standing fidgeting violently, his head jerking. He hadn't heard these words in so long, he didn't know how he would react. He could only hope.
"GRUZOVOY VAGON." And the room froze, waiting for action.

Bucky looked him in the eye, and Steve darted his eyes back to Y/N, her eyes were still cloudy, and her shaky hand was reaching towards the ring slowly.

"Soldat." He said quickly.

Bucky looked him in the eye before replying "gotovy podchinit'sya." ( ready to comply )

"Ubit." ( kill ) Steve answered straight after and pointed to the doctor, now frozen to the spot and looking scared out of his skin. He wasn't expecting this, and neither were the team. But he and Bucky had talked it over, if they were ever in a terrible situation, he could trigger the winter soldier.

Bucky lunged for the doctor and grabbed the dagger out of his hand skilfully and swiftly. Some of the team looked away as a slice was heard through the air, and then a thump.

Then another thump.
Then slashes and grunts- before silence.

The doctor was on the floor, blood pooling at his head, and Y/N,
She was on the floor too, in the doorway.

Steve rushed over to her with Tony, and when he reached her he glanced at her hand.

The ring was gone.

It was on the floor next to her.

Steve dropped his head, a million thoughts in his head, ringing in his ear. He'd lost her. Really, this time.

But Tony. "There's a pulse." He said, his voice breaking a little, and tears in his eyes.

The whole room seemed to sigh.

She was safe, she was fine.
You looked round at the team, and nodded at them all.

They were so,

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