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There's a faint knock at my door, making me jump and pulling me out of my daydreaming. I stop pacing, quickly turn off the record i had spinning and start to open it.

As soon as the door swings open, Bucky's lips are on mine, snatching my breath from me in the best way possible.

He pulls back too soon and I'm breathing heavily.

"You came back." I speak between pants, trying to contain my excitement and actually breathe properly.

"Well I never should've left." He frowns.

"It's no problem. I'm just glad you're here Buck." I smile and kiss him again, before realising we are standing with the door open awkwardly. I gesture him in and shut the door, not eager though to leave his side.

"This is my room by the way." I chuckled. "I realised you've never seen it." I'd recently redecorated. I'd bought a new grey carpet that sat at the foot of my bed. There was more stuff on the walls now, and I'd acquired a new cube shelving unit.

He looked around at the various dotted posters I'd recently put up, the fairy lights on my bed, my record player sitting on a small, coffee table, the white shelves holding all of my records next to it.

My acoustic guitar tucked away on a stand in the corner by the window. The curtains were open- they always were. Something about the view of the city, especially all pretty lit up at night, relaxed me.

"It feels cozy." He smiled and I nodded, glad he found it as welcoming as I wanted it too, for me originally because I never thought this would happen between us.

But I figure he'll be spending a lot of time with me here, and I'm glad he won't feel intimidated.

As if reading my thoughts he started;

"When I first moved in, I couldn't even sleep on a bed, it was too soft. On missions, I would just make do with a concrete floor." All I could think was about how horrible that would be, getting used to something terrible. So much so that you didn't know nicer things existed.

My whole life had been lived in luxury. I didn't have to worry about money, about buying food and things like bills. I just had one job to do. My father thought that was enough. I got hurt enough.

But I had and continue to have it easy. Even with HYDRA, I was there conscious for only a couple of weeks. Bucky was there for 70 damn years.

Bucky was an example of how lucky I was.

He'd walked over to my record player, and glanced at the vinyl sitting there. I hadn't had chance to move it back into its sleeve and onto the shelf.

I found myself cringing as Bucky studied the writing of the 7". Everyone else thought I had a somewhat different music taste.

Apart from Bruce, he liked the oldies too. Queen, Bowie, the Beatles. I liked AC/DC because I obviously inherited that from my father, and considering how much he plays it through the comms on missions.

Consequently, i listened to a lot of classical and jazz music. That was what I'd had on in an attempt to calm myself down after the kiss.

"Nocturne No.2." He read, making me cringe again, picking it up.

"Ugh I have such bad taste I know." I whined, moving over to stand behind him as he placed the record back, and moved the needle, dropping it precisely, the song starting playing.

He turned round to me with a smirk.

"I love this song. I used to listen to a lot of classical music back in the 40s." He said and grabbed my hand suddenly, twirling me around, making me laugh.

Then he pulled me back in and grabbed my waist with one hand, my left resting there and my right hand in his other, the scar from my episode pink and bright there, starting to sway.

"Sarge, i'll have you know I am a terrible dancer." I smirked, watching him stare down at me. The height difference wasn't much at all, I was only shorter by a couple of inches.

"Well I say too bad." He smiled sarcastically and grabbed me close, so my body was pressed against his, before he dipped me down, giving me a lingering kiss.

"You are so old fashioned." I laughed, feeling  woozy as he pulled me back up.

"Whoever said there was anything wrong with that?" He joked, swaying us again, my chin rested on his shoulder, feeling so safe and relaxed in his arms.

"In my day, we'd go dancing all the time. I'd be the ones pulling all the dates, and Steve would just tag along." We both chuckled.

"I was dancing on the night of the Stark Expo, when I obliviously said goodbye to skinny Steve. After he saved me from HYDRA the first time, girls were queuing up around the block to go dancing with him. He never really liked it but he'd do it; always the people pleaser. This time I would be the one to tag along." Bucky laughed again, and I thought of Steve, as the once skinny guy who no one would go on a date with, to captain America, who would even then never let a girl down.
Always out of compassion.

Bucky kept quiet for a while after that, and so did I.

I felt happy that he could talk about his past with me. We'd always both been so open with each-other.

I savoured the warmth of his body, the way I felt like nothing in the world could come between us. I think he was doing something the same.

And we carried on dancing together, way into the night, under the New York city lights.

I'm such a nerd I'm sorry I love classical music.

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