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TW/// MENTIONS AND DETAILS OF SUICIDE AT THE END PARAGRAPH OF THE CHAPTER. Please don't read this bit if it triggers you xxx

My alarm woke me up at 7, and I spent a while trying to figure out why I even set it- before I realised that I'd resolved to cook myself a full English breakfast in order to make up for the fact I didn't eat at all for 24 hours.

When I did realise I immediately hopped out of bed and into the shower.

As I did I thought about the food. I used to bake a lot, but Wanda is the best cook out of all of us. But she never likes to work alone in the kitchen. So she pulls us in -  me, Steve, Nat, Vision.

As we helped she would also teach us the recipes and a full English had been one of her lessons- so I knew that I would get on fine. 

When I'd finished in the shower and got myself ready and presentable, I plugged in my headphones and shuffled my playlist, heading into the hallway.

I tapped my foot in the elevator waiting; the tower had many floors. Until, almost subconsciously, I pulled up messages on my phone and tapped on my and Bucky's conversation.

I re-read through the texts and a small smile played on my lips before the door dinged and I abruptly shoved my phone in my pocket, taking out my earphones and stepping into the bright corridor.

But as soon as I started walking towards the kitchen and living room, I stopped in my tracks in confusion.

In the air, I could distinctly smell- Bacon.

I furrowed my brows and sniffed purposefully this time at the air and sure enough, that was exactly what I was smelling. I headed more quickly to the kitchen, my curiosity fueled, and the lights were on- indicating someone was up.

I opened the doors, and someone stepped out from the kitchen, holding a wooden spoon. That someone being Bucky.

"Bucky," I said cocking my head and he smiled a little. "What are you-"

"I made you breakfast" He cut me off, and I stood there.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I didn't even know why, I didn't feel upset I just-

"Thank you." Was all I could get out without my voice breaking.

"Is- is it okay? I can-"
"No," I smiled, cutting him off this time and he stiffened.

"It's perfect." I said and his shoulders sagged in what I saw to be relief.

"Well, it'll take a few more minutes so uh," He waved a hand to the couches and I nodded.
So thoughtful. To get up especially early and cook especially for me because he knew I was already planning to.

It made me smile.

I was still smiling when I approached the living room and I sat down, in my armchair. The one I purposefully hadn't touched since I'd been back, the one no one else had sat in since.

I sunk into the pillows and rested my head back, my breathing keeping steady. It was something small- a tiny step- but. I felt proud of myself. I sat down staring at the ceiling, concentrating on my feelings, ready to get out of the seat if I detected the slightest hint of a panic attack.

"O-Kay." Bucky drew out the two syllables as he walked with two plates to the big dinner table.

He placed his plate opposite mine.

"Hey- uh. I didn't want to just stare at you while you ate so," He gestured to his own plate "Do you mind?"

I chuckled a little.
"What, Of course not Bucky. Feed yourself." I laughed again and he smiled pulling back his chair and sitting down, me doing the same.

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