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"Hey. Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked him tentatively. "I know it's the middle of the night and it's dark but I used to do it all the time when I-"

"I would love that." He cut in. And we headed off. I felt safe anywhere with Bucky, even after what happened.

We ended up walking through Central Park.

The streets were still noisy, the city never slept as everyone says. It wasn't cold, and especially not with Bucky's arm wrapped around my shoulders.

The stars were out twinkling in the sky. It was perfect. Peaceful.

We headed back to the tower at around half 4. Bucky's hand in mine as we walked through the deserted reception, and up through the countless bottom floors in the elevator to the living room.

When the elevator doors dinged, bit by bit the doors opened to reveal......

The whole team. Either smirking or open mouthed. I knew there was no saving it now, even while we quickly dropped our hands. The time had passed hazily, we were careless, tired, forgetful.

"I KNEW IT!" Thor shouted at the team, us still in the elevator, making me blush a little and fighting the urge not to smile.

There was a silence, awaited anxiously, before my father addressed Steve.

"Cap." He asked him calmly. "Did you know about this?" And Steve's face was plain and matter of fact until he looked at me, and I smiled, and he couldn't help but smile too.

I'd suspected long before that he knew.

"You did." Tony concluded, throwing his hands up, as I looked at Bucky, who was in about the same state as me- trying not to laugh.

"Dad-" I started.

"Sorry y/n, I'm just busy contemplating how I should kill him." He moved towards Bucky and Steve stiffened. I crossed in-front of him protectively.


"Well. What are you lot going to do about it?" He asked the group, cocking his head and I saw Nat wink at me.

Then, a beautiful chorus of 'nothings', and shrugged shoulders, making me chuckle and turn to look behind at Bucky, who winked too.

"Y/n he's literally 100." Tony's face was grave as he crossed his arms and tried to resolve the situation.

"Age is just a number baby." I crossed my arms too, challenging Tony as he sighed.

"You two...." He gestured with a hand, then sighed. "Going at it?"

"OH MY GOD DAD NO." Me and Bucky both defended ourselves as the team snorted with laughter. The embarrassment crept in on my cheeks, staining them a bright red.

Bucky wrapped his arm around my waist, making my heart flutter a little.

Everyone seemed to register at that point that we were still in the elevator when the doors started to close and a metal hand shot out and held them easily, allowing me to step out into the dimly lit living room. I thanked Bucky silently with an dip of my head.

A few of us sat down, it was nearly 5am and after the 'exciting news' coming to light most of the team said they wouldn't be able to sleep.

So eventually it was just me, Bucky, Tony, Nat, Bruce ( who was basically nocturnal ) Loki and Steve.

Tony said that Peter was awake but
'Busy swinging on stuff'. I honestly don't know where the kid got the energy.

Wanda was always tired, her powers really took a lot out of her. It hadn't sunk in yet, my use of the ring. I didn't feel anything that even reminded me of it. Always fading into the background, but there whenever I need it.

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