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I woke up from a dreamless sleep at 12. Late, considering when I would usually get up.

When I woke up in my room, I tried to remember how I got there, thinking I must've dragged myself half consciously up the stairs after talking to Dev and falling asleep.

I drag myself out of bed, as I usually do, and my bare feet hit the cold carpet, making me gasp a little after coming out of my cozy, warm duvet.

I stretched out my arms and legs and yawned.

That was the best nights sleep I'd had in a long time.

No nightmares- no dreams. I looked towards the door, at the warm yellow light from the corridor seeping underneath it, and I was about to turn away when something caught my eye.

A piece of paper. I walked over to it, a little cautiously. It was put together neatly like an envelope, and I unfolded it, feeling a little confused.

It simply read, in small and concise italics:

• Found you asleep in the living room last night. You looked un-comfy. Hope you don't mind me taking you up here •


I smiled, wiping the sleep off my eyes and folding the note back to its original shape, chucking it on my bed.

"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y, tell Buck I said thank you. I appreciate it." I smiled again, making my way to the bathroom and turning on the shower, hearing F.R.I.D.A.Y respond. "The message has been delivered miss." I nodded.

The rest of the day passed quickly. Steve and Tony, now having recovered from their hangovers, had apologized for startling me that night, and I laughed it off.

We all sat down in the evening and I played pool 2 Vs 2 with Nat and me against Tony and Thor, the team all watching.

Me and Nat won- we'd always been good at pool- and the rest of the evening was spent listening to Tony moan about the table being slanted or blaming Thor for his terrible aim.

He simply would respond with 'Man of iron they don't play these....ball games in Asgard' and I would try and retain my laughter.

The next day, however, I found myself watching TV in my room.

The second I turn it on, I go to the news.

We don't get newspapers at the tower, there's no need considering we just use the internet.

The whole new tech thing had taken Bucky and Steve, Bucky especially, some getting used to. I remembered setting off the little round robot vacuum in the living room, and Bucky running away when it approached him, being absolutely astonished. The look on his face was priceless. But even being as funny as it is- I do also have to remember it was a hard adjustment for him- for them.

I pull up the news, and it's normal coverage for a while- Animal rescues, weather.
And then the story happens to change.

Avenger, and Tony Stark's 20 year old daughter Y/n Stark was seen for the first time in public in nearly 7 months on Tuesday, running in Central Park.

Witnesses say she looked pale, had a long, red scar on the right side of her face and wore a bandage on her hand. She later appeared to be sick up against a tree before Natasha Romanoff- better known as Black Widow- came to her rescue. They say Y/n then collapsed and she has not been seen in public since.

For months, fans have speculated about her disappearance- and her Father, Billionaire and original avenger Tony Stark, has stayed silent, giving no statements and holding no press conferences regarding the disappearance.

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