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Those words said between us both were the start of a legacy. A promise we could never neglect.


Soon after, F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice cut through the silence. It was late. We weren't expecting anything.

"I apologise for the interruption, but Mr Barnes, Mr Stark wants to see you. He says it's urgent."

I heard Bucky sigh, as I pulled my forehead away from his reluctantly. He gives me a soft kiss on the lips, before one on my head, standing up.

"Are you gonna be okay on your own? I'm sure it won't take long." He smiled and I returned it.

"I'll be fine." I nodded, both still smiling at each other.

"I'll be back." He said as he left the room, taking one last long look at me at the door before leaving, then shutting it behind him quietly.

I slouched, a frown on my face. He'll be back, I thought. Soon.



When I got to Starks office, I was genuinely annoyed for him calling on me away from y/n so late.

Probably just to have another stern chat about how I should make more of an effort to hang around with the team 'Mano a Mano.' Like he called it.

When I did enter the room however, he wasn't his usual sarcastic smiley self. He looked...disturbed. A coat of glistening sweat traced his forehead.

Steve was in the room too, looking just the same, but he always looked serious. It was Tony that set me worried.

"Barnes. We've found something." Tony said gravely and my heart started beating a little faster in my chest. This whole atmosphere had me at sudden unrest.

Tony wheeled over his chair to a small laptop, and me and Steve followed him, looking at the screen. He pressed some buttons, and a video came up.

It looked like security footage, from the time stamps and poor quality, but the image was frozen on an empty room, with a single chair inside; he hadn't pressed play yet.

Tony turned around to me.

"I found the footage. Y/n, in Russia," His voice was shaky. "I haven't watched it yet. I don't-. I'm not sure I'm ready." His words sunk in and fear skittered down my spine unlike anything I'd ever felt in a long time.

I couldn't speak. Tony had shifted his gaze back to the screen, just staring. I looked at Steve and I could tell he was just as terrified as I was.

Tony reached for his glasses and put them on. He took a deep breath, and his finger hovered over a button for a while. It felt like the room was collectively holding their breath, like the world had stopped spinning. The fear made me dizzy.

Then a click

And the video started to play.

There was just empty room for a few minutes of long anticipation and dread. I watched the milliseconds change rapidly on the small time stamp in the right hand corner of the screen.

Before a man stepped in.


My blood boiled at the sight of that man, that man that I had killed, yet I still felt so much pure, undiluted hatred for. I clenched my fists, and kept my rage under wraps.

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