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My door was yanked opened without warning, making me jump off the bed and revealing a distraught Bucky at the door.

Tears were running down his rosy cheeks. His eyes were red and bloodshot. His chest was moving up and down quickly and his fists were clenched hard at his sides.

"Bucky. What- what the hell is wrong?" I ran over to him like lightning, scanning his face. He didn't speak, the only thing audible was his hard breathing.

"Bucky." I said breathily again, resting a hand now on his flesh shoulder as he stared ahead.

"Bucky." I said louder, still to no reaction.
I didn't really know what to do to snap him out of whatever this was- how to get him back.

"Bucky." A scared tear had ran down my cheek as i stared at his pained face.

I squeezed his shoulder hard.

"JAMES." I shouted firmly and his eyes snapped down to mine; making me sigh in relief.

I stepped back then, deciding to give him space. There was a few minutes of silence, before I sighed, going to sit down on my bed, him watching me.

"Bucky. You don't....have to tell me what happened. I'm just worried." My voice cracked on the last word.

He walked over to me and sat down uttering not a word, staring ahead at the wall with his mouth open a little. Before he turned to me, and the tears starting rolling down his face again. Then, to my surprise, he leant in and wrapped his arms around me.

I was a little confused at first, but as soon as I heard him sobbing I held him tighter.

My heart was breaking into pieces at the vulnerability he was showing me.

"I'm. Sorry." He choked out in between his sobs. Tears were falling down my face now though I didn't even understand the situation. I just cared about his feelings, what had upset him so much? What had Tony said to him? I felt angry at my father for making him like this. He must've really been triggered.

Maybe I needed to ask him what happened if Bucky didn't want to tell me.

We hugged for a while longer before he started to pull away from me. Concern was clearly written all over my face because he shook his head, clearing his throat and sniffling.

"God y/n I'm sorry. I'm just going to tell you because I don't want to keep secrets." I had no idea what he was about to say, I really couldn't think of anything it could be. But a single shiver ran down my spine, out of instinct I thought.

"Tony, he uh-. He found HYDRA's security footage." I gasped at that, his tone revealing exactly what was about to come. "We uh- Steve, Tony and I, we watched it. I'm sorry. If I knew it would make you uncomfortable I wouldn't do it. I'm sorry." He was crying a little again. I chuckled a little, his brows furrowing.

"Buck. It's fine. I'm not angry." I said as he sighed. It was true. But I was shocked.

"What he did though.......it makes me want to kill him over and over again. And how..strong you were. I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner." I shook my head again.

"Bucky. You can't change the past. I can never be angry, at any of you. Mistakes happen. And I'm alive and I'm here now, with you. That's enough for me." I smiled, and he leaned in and kissed me softly, just once.

"I uh- I don't think I can sleep without getting nightmares tonight." He grimaced.

"I'm not actually tired." I returned. I was lying, I was actually pretty exhausted and I know Bucky would let me sleep if I wanted to.

But i wanted to spend as much time with him as I possibly could. And I felt like tonight,

he needed all the support he could get.

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