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After hours of pacing through the house, stress eating pretty much everything in sight, and constantly checking the map, you'd decided.

You know what?

Damn it

I'm going to find them, and I'm taking the ring with me.

You knew they needed help, and if this whole thing was about the ring, you'd just give it to him- if it meant your family would be unharmed.

You'd gotten changed into something more.........flexible.

Something better to fight in. And had retrieved the ring from where you'd stashed it once again in the drawer in your room until you could properly hide it.

But of course, you didn't need to do that anymore.

Finally preparing everything and collecting your stuff, you called on F.R.I.D.A.Y to get you a jet.

And she'd done just that.

Out on the landing pad was a jet, there was no need for a runway. You climbed in and sat in the cockpit, conducting the safety checks. Of course you knew how to fly a jet, you were Tony Stark's daughter, and S.H.I.E.L.D had trained you- though it was a little much you had to admit things like this did come in handy.

When you were all ready to go, you set off.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, take me to my family." You'd asked her with a smile, and you'd raced off into the sky, concocting plans as you went along.

PLAN A - You'd try and land as close to the action as possible. If you landed right by the doctor and he was to notice the jet, you'd jump out and present him with the ring warily, bargaining with him. The ring in exchange for him to leave your family alone, never come after you again.

If you landed far away and you had to kill some guards, well. You had to kill them. You'd slide the ring onto your finger and take care of that, before you reached the doctor and talked to him once again, about the ring.

If he wasn't in the mood to bargain, you'd wear the ring and threaten him. He knew it's true power.

As for PLAN B

well you didn't really have one.

But you were an irrational person, you preferred to just turn up and see how things rolled out. S.H.I.E.L.D had hated you to be like that, they believed in plans and organisation, in detail.

But at the moment you didn't have the brainpower left to consider a detailed plan.

You'd had a.....weird day.

You were nearing Russia now , about an hour and a half after you'd set off.

God these jets were fast.

You studied the map to the right of the wheel. About 20 minutes more, and you'd be there with them.

You didn't necessarily want to, but you were so scared now that your powers had left you, you had to slip on the ring.

If anyone tried to steal it from you, you'd just kill them. Simple. This way he had to bargain with you, or you wouldn't give it to him, and you knew he would want it more than anything.

You took deep breaths as you watched the time on the map tick slowly down.

15 minutes until landing.

10 minutes.

5. Minutes.

Until you slowed down the jet, and found yourself above the hydra base, it was getting dark, but floodlights were all around.

The doctor was no where in sight.

So the second plan.

You landed the jet outside on the grass, so they were all inside. You could hear shouting as you landed. You could hear screaming. That just forced you on.

You checked the daggers strapped to your thigh. The guns in your belt.

The ring on your finger.

Took a deep breath.

And jumped out the jet, straight into enemy territory.

You saw no guards around, but plenty of bodies. You stiffened a little at them, before you took off into a sprint, circling the building looking for an entrance.
You'd turned the third corner when


A hole in the wall. It had been punched out, courtesy of Bruce you suspected. You raced through the dark building, the screaming and shouting getting louder. You followed the sound, glass crunching on your boots as you ran, bodies all around you, the building stinking of chemicals.

You stopped at a down staircase and listened to the building. The screams were echoing, and your brain was tricking you into thinking the sound was coming from up. When in fact it was actually coming from down.

You practically threw yourself down those stairs, the shouting louder, before you reached another floor, corridors winding.

You turned another corner and you recognised.
The window you'd thrown yourself out of. You stopped outside the water tank room. Tears blooming at your eyes and hands balling into fists. You forced yourself to stare at the now empty room, and at where the doctors body once lay, before another scream sent you hurtling back threw the corridors.

If memory served you correctly there would be a staircase down round about.......You carried running

You threw yourself down that too, blood coating the floor and squelching quietly under your boots. The screams and the shouts were so loud now, they were almost in the next room.
The next room.

You took a breath, standing against a wall, out of sight from anyone, before peering around the corner quickly and quietly, revealing 3 guards standing outside a door.

You prepared yourself

And stepped out from the shadows, ready to kill.

Your saw the guards eyes widen at the sight of you, and the black band on your finger, before you stuck your hand out, a sweet smile on your face, and they all fell together almost silently to the floor. You walked slowly to the door then, the screaming stopping.

You looked at your hand. So it really is the ring.

Finally, you rounded the corner, stepping in the doorframe, a sick smile on your face.

You quickly looked around the dark room, past the doctor holding a dagger. The team were all here; even Bucky; and Tony.

All kneeling on the floor, in various states of bloodied and bruised, some worse than others.
Bruce in human form, you noticed.

The sight of them almost broke you right there on the spot, but you showed no emotion apart from that sick smile.

Their eyes widened and mouths parted as they saw you.

Tony shook his head at you,

While loki smirked.
You smirked back.

You were untouchable now.


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