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Ok we'll just use google translate for the Russian. Blame them if it's wrong :)


"Sergeant Barnes." The AI in my bedroom woke me up. I shot up, scanning around my room for any potential signs of danger, and when I knew there was none, nothing lurking in a corner, I relaxed a little.

"Hm?" I groaned back.

"Miss Romanoff has called ahead to request your assistance with Miss Stark. It seems she is ill. Miss Romanoff will be back with her in 2 minutes."

The room was silent.

I practically shot out of bed, straightening myself up a little, grabbing a jacket off the back of my desk chair before heading out of my room and down to one of the side doors, the one we used most often. I figured Nat would be coming from there.

I tapped my feet on the shiny floors, and patted my hands on my thighs, putting my hands in and out of the pockets of my jacket I had thrown on walking down here.

Nat came through the door then, Y/n in her arms, struggling to carry her. I held out my arms immediately and took her.

"What happened to her?" I asked worriedly, as we walked to the living room.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Get Bruce." Nat called, and then answered my question.

"She was out for a run, I was trailing her, keeping behind, just in case she had a panic attack, and I saw her throwing up. She stood up and said she hadn't eaten, then she fainted on me." I looked down at her, eyes closed, in my arms.

I spoke to Nat, shaking my head. "Never go for a run on an empty stomach." And she nodded too.

"I thought she'd eaten. I wouldn't have let her go." Nat countered, and I sighed.

"I know."

Bruce was running down the corridor then towards us, panic and concern on his face.

"She went for a run on an empty stomach. Threw up and fainted." Nat shortened it down, and he nodded.

"Okay, thank god, I thought she was........" He paused for a while, before springing to action
"Lie her down somewhere. She'll come round soon."

I carried her to the living room, and gently placed her down on a sofa, Bruce taking her pulse.

"Her pulse is fine." He sighed, and i nodded.

"She'll be alright?" I asked him, and he nodded again.

I sighed.

"When she wakes up, she needs to eat. Get her blood sugar high again." Nat and I both nodded our heads in agreement, and I looked back at her.

I'd noticed that she wasn't eating as much as she used to. She'd had toast and a couple of slices of pizza yesterday. Training should've burnt calories, took a lot out of her. She should've needed more than that.

To do the things we did and to keep in shape, we had to have good, consistent diets, she'd been on board with that before.

Was she not eating because she didn't want to?
Or was she just forgetting? Not hungry?

I sighed again. I'd keep an eye on her, remind her to eat when it looked like she hadn't.

"Nat. Bucky Wha- what happened to her?" Peters voice came from behind me, scaring me a little. Curse his soft spider steps.

"She'll be fine kid. She just fainted." I looked at him sorrowfully, patting him on the shoulder with my normal arm. He sighed, walking over to sit down on a sofa, slouching back, head down.

I looked at Nat, moved my head a little, and she smiled, leaving the room. I smiled in silent thanks as she did.

I knew this talk was coming.

"Hey, kid. You've been quiet." I sat down in an armchair opposite from him. He just looked up at me for a second, before dropping his head back down.

"It- I uh-. It sort of uh- messed me up. Getting shot. I wasn't expecting it. I guess I've got PTSD I-." He recoiled, acting as if he had said too much. But then carried on.

"I get these horrible nightmares. Trying to save her, and then being shot down, grappling back up, and just watching her fall, not being able to move, hearing my heart in my ears. And the worst part is, They're real."

Seeing Peter, the youngest of us, like this, made me realise. Even if I hadn't talked to everyone about it, we'd all been hit hard.

Peter even worse. He'd had to deal with a life threatening injury, just 18.
The bullet missed his heart by a mere inch.

He was like a little brother to Y/n. When he first joined she helped him settle in, get used to the swing of it all. They had been inseparable.

Then it happened.

"Pete. I talked to y/n. I told her what happened. She cried, she uh- she feels so guilty. I know she wants to talk to you- so bad. I see her looking at you all the time. She thinks she's dangerous, that she did it to you." Peter shook his head.

"She's trying to distance herself. You need to talk to her, kid. I know it'll be hard- I know. But if we don't keep supporting her, we might lose her again." Tears were prickling at my eyes. "It's all about us."

He looked up at me, and nodded, smiling a little, before he looked at y/n lying there, and left the room.

"I'll be training." He said to me, smiling again grimly. "Thank you." He said, his voice breaking a little and I just nodded, trying not to let the tears fall, before he left, walking into the elevator.

As soon as he left, the tears fell. And Nat walked back in, hearing my soft sobs, coming to rest a hand on my back.

"Hey. vse budet khorosho v kontse kontsov."
(Everything will be alright in the end).
I just nodded, still through tears.

"ya nadeyus' ty prav."
(I hope you're right)

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