woah! catboys in the ultimate academy!

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Shuichi's a catboy.

It wasn't that weird, it's not like catboys were a really rare species. But it was still kind of embarrassing.

He knew from experience that once people found out he would be treated differently. They'd give him weird looks, avoid him, consider him weak, etc.

Plus he didn't think he looked..."cute" like everyone assumed catboys were. He just had ears and a tail. It didn't make him look any better than he already did, just weirder.

So he tried to hide it.

Even before his main reason for using hats was to avoid eye contact, they were used to hide his cat ears. He hid his tail too, and just about everything else that could give him away. Yes, it felt uncomfortable, but he got used to it. He was better off hiding it anyway.

And now in this weird situation he found himself in, it seemed even more important to keep it a secret. The only way he would get out of here would be to fall in love, right? And there wasn't a good chance anyone would do that if they knew he was like this.

Also, he would definitely get made fun of in here. No question about it.

Especially by Kokichi, who actually happened to be a catboy himself.

Sure, Shuichi felt a bit relieved that there was someone here that could possibly understand him.

But it was Kokichi.

He was already notorious for being playful and childish. Teasing seemed like it would be part of his nature. There was no doubt that he would make fun of Shuichi any chance he got.

Additionally, he wasn't trying to hide any of his feline features. If anything, he was proud of them. If he found out Shuichi was exactly the opposite, he'd probably tell everyone. And then he'd make fun of him.

...Speaking of Kokichi, there he is now.

"Shuichi!" Kokichi called after him, running until he caught up.

"Uh, hi" Shuichi greeted. He seemed a little too excited for Shuichi's liking. What was he planning on doing now?

"I have a question!" Kokichi announced.

Oh no.

"...What is it?" Shuichi cautioned.

Kokichi grinned, "Do you like my cat ears?"

Weird question... Why was he asking that? And with that much excitement?

"Uh..." Shuichi hesitated.

What was he supposed to say to that? He did like Kokichi's cat ears. They were a lighter purple than his hair and seemed to be quite reactive. They seemed better than Shuichi's anyway.

"You don't like them?! That's so mean!" Kokichi overreacted, immediately bursting into tears.

"N-no I do!" Shuichi quickly disputed. Kokichi's tears suddenly went away and were replaced with a sly smile.

"Hmmm, ok" Kokichi accepted his answer.

They walked in silence for a while with Kokichi surprisingly not saying anything. Shuichi was still a bit confused but decided to just brush it off. It was just Kokichi being Kokichi, it probably didn't mean anything. Right?

"Y'know you'd look pretty cute with cat ears" Kokichi complimented.

"What?" Shuichi reacted. Immediately his mind went to Kokichi somehow finding out about his secret. Why else would he randomly say that? But he relaxed once he realized there was no way. He hadn't accidentally taken off his hat or anything. And catboys couldn't really sense other catboys, right?

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