Labels (Or The Lack Of Them)- Platonic Sophiana

166 1 19

Word count: ~1200 words

Request 3 of 4! Platonic Sophiana! The prompt was baking. A little tough, considering I have already written a Sophiana baking oneshot, so I did something a bit different, but incorporated a mini baking scene. Human au time!

Not strictly platonic, but not romantic either. Their rationship is something that can't really be described with words, it's just them.

It was in high school when Sophie had been asked the question for the first time.

"Are you and Biana dating?"

It'd been Fitz who'd first asked the question.

"No, why?"

He shrugged. "Just wondering."

It actually did get Sophie thinking. She'd always considered Biana to be absolutely gorgeous, but that was it, she was pleasing to the eye, she didn't want to date her though.

She wondered why other people thought that they were dating.


"Hey Soph, you there?" Biana called out.

"Bi, where do you think that I would have gone?"

She laughed. "True. Okay, I'm coming out now."

"You already did?" Sophie knew she was talking about the dressing room, but couldn't help but make the joke anyway.

Biana opened the door. "I can do it again." She walked out, and spun around. "Sophie I'm lesbian. Now tell me if I look good."

Biana was wearing a light purple dress that suited her.

"You look stunning!"

"Great! I'll buy it, and now you won't have to suffer anymore."

"Good. Hurry up then."

A few minutes later, the dress had been paid for, and they left the store. They linked arms and walked over to the food court.

"I thought you didn't like this place?" Sophie asked.

"Last time we came here you said you liked their tea, so I'm buying it for you."

"Ooh, you remembered?"

She rolled her eyes, using her non-dominant hand to pull out her purse so their arms could stay linked. "Vanilla caramel, two sugar, one cream."

"Bi, you're spoiling me. You even remembered my tea order."

"Who do you think I am, if not your best friend?"


There was a sleepover at Biana's, and all of them were there. While the couches there were gigantic, it was barely enough for all of them to cram. Tired of being squished, Sophie got up and went to Biana.

"Is your lap available?"

Biana smiled, then pat her legs. "Yeah, sit down."

She sat down, and it was a lot more comfortable than her previous position. They sat there and watched the remainder of whatever movie had been chosen- she couldn't remember what it was called.

"This might be a bit personal, but are the two of you dating?" This time, it was Marella who had asked it.

The two of them looked at each other. "We aren't," they replied in unison.

"This is the second time that I've been asked that," Sophie remarked.

"Oh, really?" Biana asked. "That's weird, I thought you all would have realized that we're not like that."

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