As Pretty As The Petals- Four Horsegirls

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Word count: ~2100 words

There was a little gift exchange going on with the tumblr fandom, so I decided to partake in it and offer a gift to someone! So here we are with the Four Horsegirls Of The Apocalypse (the ship name for Linh/Marella/Maruca/Stina)

Anyways, human au (everybody in their twenties, prolly) because why not! This time we've got flowershop au, coffeeshop au, tattoo artist au, all in one! (Each one's got their own career, also stina is a librarian, though it doesn't really get focus). Just a whole bunch of fluff and getting together!

Linh uses ve/ver pronouns, Marella uses ze/hir, Maruca uses e/em, and Stina uses she/they, because I'm hir with my neopronoun aegenda

Linh Song was happy with ver life. The job was nice, ve worked at a flower shop where ve got to grow ver flowers and occasionally gush about flower language to the customers who were curious. Ve loved hearing about the various reasons why people were buying flowers- a confession, an apology, a gift.

The area was nice too. Ve lived in the city, but there was a school and a park nearby, so during the afternoons, the streets were crowded with more than just cars driving by the road. It was heartwarming to see the occasional child come and buy a flower for their friend.

"This one's my friend's favourite colour!" They might have said, and Linh smiled at them, giving them a slight discount because they were adorable.

The best part of it all though, was the company.

The bell chimed, and Linh looked up reflexively to see someone with curly hair walk in, a book in one arm, and a tray with two coffees in the other.

"Oh, is it lunch already?" Linh asked. "You can sit down, I'll be right there in a minute."

Stina nodded. "Marella and Maruca are both busy, so they won't come until later. Maruca made our coffee."

"I'll have to tell em thanks," ve said, getting ver co-worker- Jensi- to take over since he'd just finished his break.

Once that was settled, ve sat in the chair next to Stina and pulled out ver lunch.

"Oh, that's a new book," ve remarked, pointing to the book on the table. "Is it good?"

"Haven't read it yet, so I can't say," Stina replied. "Honestly, I picked it up because the person who returned it said there were lesbians and there's also a horse on the cover."

Linh laughed. "You would read a book because of a horse. Wait until Marella and Maruca hear that. I can't blame you though."

Stina rolled her eyes. "I've already conceded I'm a horsegirl, what else do you expect from me?"

"I hope you know that admitting it was an awful idea, right?"

Stina sighed, more fond then exasperation. "Yeah."

Their conversation ended, and there was silence, but not an unwanted one. They sat there, eating their lunches, and Linh took the opportunity to just look at Stina and admire how pretty she was. If ve ilted ver head just right, it looked one of the flowers behind her was actually in her hair.

Ve stood up. "I'll be right back."

Ve went to the counter, remembering that ve had a single oxalis flower. Ve took it and went back to Stina. Ve leaned forward and tucked it behind ear, ver hand brushing against her cheek.

Okay. Wow. She looked way prettier than ve'd been expecting, and it wasn't doing good things to ver heart. There was a slight pink flush to her cheeks, matching the colour of the flower.

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