Protection- Sokeefe

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Word count: ~1400 words

Three-gulons-in-a-trenchcoat from Tumblr mentioned the perfect setting for a sokeefe confession and honestly I just want that setting to be canon. Also -devilstxrs requested a sokeefe scene so woo another request done!

Sophie watched when the blade was coming for her heart. She wouldn't be able to avoid the hit, but she'd be able to move and minimize the damage. She'd be fine, and she'd inflict on the Neverseen.

But then she was shoved to the ground. She rolled to absorb the impact. When she looked up at her attacker, all she saw was blood. The blade poking through someone's body.

Keefe's body.

Her heart stopped for a moment, and each moment that they shared flashed through her mind. Each memory was used to power her fury.

"KEEFE!" A scream tore through her throat, as she rushed towards him.

There was lightning. In a way, it was like before her ability has been reset. There was no consideration for anyone around her. But there was no need, because all of her rage was sent to one target. The one who had stabbed Keefe.

The attacker collapsed, and she turned to get the next one, but then there were hands on her shoulders.

Careful Sophie, Fitz transmitted. I'm as angry as you are, but we can't make too many irrational decisions. They'll hurt us even more.

She blinked, and the situation looked clearer. If she attacked recklessly, she'd lose focus of her blind spots. But when she looked back at Keefe, and the unconcsious Neverseen member, all the rage that she eas suppressing threatened to come out once more. The members of the Neverseen turned to look at each other, before one of the cloaked elves nodded.

"This fight will continue another day, Moonlark." Vespera's voice was a deadly whisper.

Before any of them could react, the Neverseen leapt away.

"We need Elwin," Sophie said. "Someone hail him."

"Fitz, go with Sophie to Elwin. We'll go see the Black Swan," Dex ordered.



"What happened?" Elwin asked as he practically ran by the shelves of elixirs, picking out the ones he needed.

She opened her mouth to explain, but the words were unable to come out.

"A Neverseen member stabbed him," Fitz explained for her.

Elwin was interrupted as Bullhorn began to screech, then moved the curl up beside Keefe. He was about to die...

"I'm not letting Keefe die," Elwin promised.

She watched as Elwin poured multiple vials down Keefe's throat. He took out a box of Wound Wipes, and applied it to the stab wound.

It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, but Bullhorn finally woke up and moved away. He wasn't screaming... which meant that he was okay. He'd be okay.

But despite that, Sophie refused to move. She got up a few times, but never for too long. She wanted to be there at every moment in time. Her other friends would arrive and offer to be there and have her go home, but she refused. It didn't even matter if she git no sleep or not.

"Sophie." The voice was Edaline's. "Please sleep."

"We won't force you go to back to Havenfield," Grady continued. "We'll wake you up when Keefe does."

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