This Great Distance- Sophiana

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Word count: ~1000 words

Another request from Tumblr! This one was for Taylor Swift's Coney Island (I never heard it until now), and for the pairing of Sophiana.

This one was actually difficult. One, its a songfic, so the entire style is difficult. Two, its a song I'm not familiar with, and it's hard to know whether I'm properly interpreting it right. Three, its super angsty. I've written angst, but its always hurt/comfort, and not full angst like this. I'm completely unfamiliar with it, so this was super interesting to write. Hope this is good considering this is unfamiliar territory.

Italics are the song lyrics

Break my soul in two,
Looking for you but you're right there.

Sophie held her head down every time she walked past Biana, deliberately not making eye contact, even if she had the urge to.

If I can't relate to you anymore,
Then who am I related to?

But it was just so difficult. She just felt so empty, and it hurt so badly. Because other than being the Moonlark, just exactly who was she? Who was Sophie Foster?

And if this is the long haul,
How'd we get here so soon?
Did I close my fist around something delicate?
Did I shatter you?

Why exactly had things come to this? Why did she have to go out of her way to avoid Biana? Why weren't things like they were before? Once she was out of sight from anyone, she fell to her knees.

And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island wondering
where did my baby go?
The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go
Sorry for not making you my centerfold.

Sometimes Sophie wished that she wasn't the Moonlark. That she could just be a normal elf with normal abilities and a normal name so she could have a normal life. Maybe then she'd have a normal and didn't have so many responsibilities to juggle.

It could have been like it was before. The warm cuddles and soft kisses and everything. But it wasn't like that, they weren't like that anymore. If she could have... if she could have just been better.

Over and over
Lost again with no surprises
Disappointments, no surprises
And it gets colder and colder
When the sun goes down

But really, would she have been able to take it in the first place? Would she just get used to the feeling of being lost in that relationship? The number of warm cuddles gradually diminishing like the light as the sun sets? To be left feeling cold like the night?

The question pounds my head,
What's a lifetime of achievement?
If I pushed you to the edge,
But you were too polite to leave me.

Biana knew that Sophie would do everything to avoid her. And all she would do was watch as the blonde kept her head down again. Biana had been the one to break it off, so she wasn't quite sure why she kept looking, as if that would do anything.

And do you miss the rogue,
Who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?
Will you forgive my soul,
When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?

They knew that it was over, but neither of them couldn't help but wonder why the other felt about everything. Had it always felt this one-sided, or was it always like that and they'd never realized it?

'Cause we were like the mall before the Internet,
It was the one place to be.
The mischief, the gift-wrapped suburban dreams
Sorry for not winning you an arcade ring.

They thought about the times before. They'd been nearly inseparable when they were dating, but none of their friends found them obnoxious about it. If anything, they might have envied the couple. But in the end, they weren't each other's priority.

Over and over
Lost again with no surprises
Disappointments, no surprises
And it gets colder and colder
When the sun goes down

As the distance between them increased, there was more of that cold and empty feeling. There had been warmth before, but it wasn't much anymore, it was too cold.

Were you waiting at our old spot,
In the tree line by the gold clock .
Did I leave you hanging everyday?

That spot was where the confession, and it was also their comfort spot. They would go there for any significant conversations about them. Their meeting spot too, that spot was everything. So naturally, when things got worse, Sophie found it harder to go there.

Were you standing in the hallway,
With a big cake, happy birthday.
Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey?

Biana remembered the heartbroken expression on Sophie's face. It was so, so painful. But it was like it was going to work for any longer.

A universe away.

They were so far apart now.

And when I got into the accident,
The sight that flashed before me was your face.

The accident being the incident that cut away at the very last thread that had held them together. Sophie's face was the last thing that Biana had saw then.

But when I walked up to the podium,
I think that I forgot to say your name.

There were so many names involved in their lives. With their fight against the Neverseen. Sophie acknowledged Fitz and Keefe and all her friends but had never once mentioned Biana's name.

And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island wondering
where did my baby go?
The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go
Sorry for not making you my centerfold.
Over and over.

Maybe if the two of them had worked harder in this relationship, to stop it from deteriorating in the way it did, things wouldn't be like this.

Lost again with no surprises
Disappointments, no surprises
And it gets colder and colder
When the sun goes down
When the sun goes down

It took a lot to walk away, the both of them hurting but still acknowledging that it needed to happen. It was a surprise, but also not. Was their reluctance to fight for their relationship just another sign that it shouldn't have gone on?

The sight that flashed before me was your face
When the sun goes down
But I think that I forgot to say your name
Over and over
Sorry for not making you my
Making you my
Making you my centerfold

There was always going to be this distance between them. It would be hard at first, but it was just another thing to get used to. But at least now... at least now they knew where they'd gone wrong.

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