Pride Month- The whole gang

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Word count: ~1600 words

Hi so it's Pride Month (last day but it took me over a week to write this so chill) and I really wanna write this. For the record, the couples are Keefex, Sophitz, and Linhiana. Wylie isn't here because I'm too lazy to write him in. This chapter is a huge mess (I dunno how to write being outside, I'm an inside person). Enjoy some fluff!

They were in the Forbidden Cities, an order from the Black Swan, a meeting was to be held soon, but they were told to enjoy the view for a while. They were in America- Dex believed, as they walked down the streets. They were decorated in colours, though it mostly consisted of rainbows.

"It looks so pretty!" Biana gushed. "It wasn't like this at Italy!"

"I know!" Linh agreed, holding her hand excitedly. "What's going on?"

"It's Pride Month!" Sophie explained. "Where we celebrate not being straight."

"Are all of us not straight?" Marella asked, in disbelief.

"I mean, straight people are allowed and all. But holy crap I think you're right!" Sophie replied.

"How come it's in June? And not the whole year?" Fitz asked.

"Something about the Stonewall riots ending in June. I mean yeah we should be celebrated always, but at least we get a month to go all rainbow mode." Sophie exaggerated the rainbow mode.

Keefe laughed, wrapping an arm around Dex. "At least the gays chose the right colours."

"The rest of the flags are pretty too!" Biana added.

"They are... Oh my god you need to see the straight flag!" Sophie suggested.

"There's... A straight flag?" Marella asked, choking in laughter.

"I think Tam'll like it," Sophie replied, gesturing to the back of the group.

"It's black isn't it?" He deadpanned. "It's probably really ugly, no offense to straight people of course."

"I think, that's a first," Linh remarked.

"What, Bangs Boy not liking something super dark? Or him saying no offense? Cause either one works."

Tam started grumbling, but he was finally making a sound.

"Are you okay back there?" Biana asked. "I mean, come over here!"

"Yeah!" Keefe agreed. "It's not as fun without you annoying me!"

A few seconds later, Keefe tripped, and Tam stood behind him, smiling in satisfaction.

"What the heck was that for!?" Keefe shrieked.

"You asked for it."

Keefe stood up, glaring at Tam. He took a step forward, and flicked his bangs.

A passerby 'awwed' them, and they both glared at her.

"Wrong couple," Keefe muttered, planting on overdramatic kiss on Dex's cheek, causing the younger boy to blush.

"What's up with people anyway? Can people not be friends without people assuming they're in a relationship?" Tam muttered.

"Oh, you think you have it bad?" Marella scoffed, waving her hand. "I keep being paired up with every single person I talk to, but I don't want a relationship! And they keep pairing me with you!"

"Oh no, not Tarella again," Tam sighed.


"Hey Soph," Fitz began. "why don't you educate us on the other flags? We know the gay, lesbian, bi, aro, and ace."

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