Butterfly Kisses- Keefex

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Word count: ~400 words

Thank you to The_Imagined_Voice for requesting! (sorry for taking so long, and it's also kinda short)

"Alright," Keefe began. "Coupling. The act of being a couple, how does one do it?"

Dex shook his head jokingly. "You didn't bother finding out before asking me out?"

"Well I just thought it'd come naturally."

"Keefe, I hope you realize that life doesn't work like that, right?"

He shrugged. "Yeah but all of a sudden dating feels like friendship with smooching. Which I definitely don't mind."

"But it's because we've always been friends, so you don't know what to do next, right?" Dex added.

Keefe nodded hesitantly, unsure of how Dex knew what he was thinking.

"First off, I know you. Second, I kinda feel the same way. No! I'm not breaking up!"

Keefe smirked, taking a step towards the strawberry-blond. He leaned forward, curious to see how red the younger boy would turn. Once he was only inches away, he whispered.

"Movie?" Then he turned away, towards the pile of movies laid out.

"Way to ruin that one," Dex said.

"Oops," he replied innocently. "Anyways, movie or not?"

"Sure. I feel like horror, what about you?"

"Yeah! I love horror!" (Don't ask me what movie I don't actually watch many, and I don't really watch horror)

Dex looked at him skeptically. "Didn't yo-"


Keefe then half-laid in Dex's lap, as they started the movie. It went on, each moment more intense than the next. Everything started to get better, until it got even worse again.

"Ahh!" Keefe screamed, and reached up to grab Dex's face.

He attempted to pull himself upwards, but instead Dex fell down on him. He only barely managed to slow down the fall enough so their skills wouldn't crash against each other.

"Keefe," Dex grumbled. "I was comfortable just now." He shifted, and Keefe would feel positive emotions coming out in huge waves. "Never mind, I think I like this better."

The blond boy laughed, before rubbing his face against Dex's cheek. His eyelashes fluttered against his cheek.

"Did you just... Give me a butterfly kiss?" Dex asked.

"A what?"

"A butterfly kiss?"

"What even is that? I think you watch too many movies."

Dex laughed. "It's when you flutter your eyelashes against someone's cheek."

Keefe grinned, then fluttered his eyelashes again. Dex wiggled a little bit, and radiated flustered emotions.

"Are you... Ticklish?" Keefe asked.

"No... No!"

But it was too late, as they ended up in a tickling war, where Dex ended up winning.

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