Chapter 56

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Caroline's POV
I couldn't bring myself to tell Cami the truth about me and Klaus. Quite honestly, I didn't feel like talking about it again. It's strange how no one knows about the break up. Usually people are on my tale to know about the gossip.

It's time to leave and I am really exhausted. On another note. Tyler told me a story that I still couldn't believe. This plan to take down Klaus is just horrible but what can I do? Klaus and I are definitely not on speaking terms but I still care about him.

I hear a knock on the door and it interrupts my thoughts. I look up and it's Kol leaning at my door way with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"Ready Darling?" He asked.

"Just a sec." I say gathering my stuff into my bag.

"Hey, how about I take you out to dinner tonight?" Kol suggested to me.

"I would but I am really tired Kol but thank you." I say to him.

"I understand. Another time then?" He asked and I turn and smile as I nod to him.

"Hey Kol, Can I tell you something but not here, when we get to your place." I asked him and he nods his head as we step into his car.

We made it to Kol's mansion and we wasted no little time heading towards his bed room. I think telling Kol about what Tyler said to me will give me an idea on how to handle this. I mean Kol is Klaus's brother so of course he would do anything for him.

"Okay what I need to tell you might sound crazy but I'm worried." I say to Kol.

"Okay so tell me." Kol says and I sigh heavily as I prepare myself to speak.

"I spoke with Tyler this afternoon with him during lunch and he told me that Klaus's ex wife is still planning to take everything from him. The plan is really bad and I'm not sure what to do or even believe. I just.... think you deserve to know this because you're his brother and I know you would do anything to protect him right?" I admit it to Kol.

"Darling, tell me you don't associate with the Lockwoods?" Kol asked me.

"I don't but what Tyler was telling me seemed right and for some reason...... I believe him." I say to Kol

"Caroline, You know how much Klaus hates Tyler. It's very hard to believe that Tyler wants to help him. In this business world is ruthless and sometimes not very trustworthy but you have to think smart. Us Mikaelson's are the riches people in New Orleans. It is extremely hard to take us down." Kol explains to me.

"But Tyler said-"

"Forget what Tyler said. Tyler is obviously trying to scare you. The Lockwoods would do anything to have people on their side and you trusting him is giving them the advantage." Kol tells me. "I'm going to shower downstairs, I'll have Jen get clothes prepared for you." Kol says as he walk out the door leaving me alone.

I sigh and flop myself on the bed. Well that didn't go well. Maybe Kol is right. Why would Tyler help Klaus? He hates him right? I don't know what I was thinking but why do I still feel worried. Tyler seemed so scared and distress.

I can't help but feel like I should still be worried. I hear a knock on the door and it startles me from my thoughts. The door opens and it Jen.

"Mr. Mikaelson told me to bring you clothes." She says. It's the first time I'm hearing her English and it's not very good but I understood her.

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