Chapter 57

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Caroline's POV
I wake up pretty early and happy today. I came back to Kol's place pretty early. When I walked in he was standing there with his arms crossed. At first, he looked mad but smiled once he saw me with my pajamas.

It was pretty embarrassing to go out like that but it was important. Kol did tell me if I go out again, I need to tell him first. Honestly I'm happy everything will be alright and now I know that Klaus wouldn't break up with me for such a stupid reason.

But now that I know the truth it's might be much harder to keep my true feelings. I am not sure if I am supposed to tell Elena. Maybe just for the sake of the plan, I won't tell her but after. Definitely after.

I woke up from my alarm and gotten myself ready for work. Jen gave me breakfast in bed and after I told her that's okay and I can just go downstairs and eat when I'm ready, she insisted and I couldn't say no to her anymore.

After I finish getting dressed for work, I hop into the car with Kol so we can go. During the whole morning and car ride I noticed Kol have been acting strange. He's been quite and normal he is never this quite. I wonder what is on his mind?

I made it to my office and as soon as I sit in my chair my office phones rings. Gosh I swear I hate when that happens.

"Hello." I say on the phone. Trying not to sound annoyed.

"I need to talk to you. Please come to my office." Klaus says and his voice sounds a bit low. Almost as like he was whispering.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I say to him and I sort of fix up my self a bit and walk to Klaus's office.

I stand and knock and walk in.

"Lock the door Caroline." He says and I shut the door shut. Moments later I see Klaus stand beside me and I see him reach for the top lock on his door.

"Why did you lock the door?" I asked him.

"Because I told you to lock it." He said to me and begins to walk away. His attitude seems a bit off this morning.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him concerned.

"The whole night last night I was thinking about Aurora and how I hurt you that day. After that day, I couldn't sleep and last night I still couldn't sleep because I am worried about you constantly." He admits.

"Klaus, I thought this was important. Can we talk about our relationship outside of work please?" I asked him.

"This can't wait." He says and now I can hear the strain in his voice. He looks tired and I can see the amount of makeup he has on his face to hide bags under his eyes.


"Just hear me out love. After I go to court for my divorce, I need your promise that you will be with me." He says and I sigh.

"I will once you win." I say to him.

"No I mean actually forever." He says and I start to get confused a bit. "Caroline I want us to get married. I can't see myself with anyone else with you." He says to me and Klaus starts to walk up closer to me and he picks up my hands. "I promise I will be faithful to you. To protect you. To care for you. I will stand by you." He says and all these words he saying is really throwing me off guard but at the same time, I'm moved by it.

"Klaus I-"

"Please accept me Caroline." He begs a little as he looks deeply into my eyes.

"Klaus, I'm in college. I have plans and things that I want to. I'm also an intern and I'm your assistant. I guess what I am saying is..... I need more time." I admit to him and Klaus starts to look slightly disappointed.

"Fine. Then I will wait for you. However long it takes." He says with one of his eye brows raised but moments later I see a smirk up lifting on his lips.

"Thanks for understanding." I say to him.

"Plus I have one more thing to ask you." He says. "When you were with Kol, did you two sleep together?" Klaus suddenly asked me and my eyes go wide.

"No of course not." I assure him.

"Really? Because that's not what Kol told me." Klaus says with a playful smirk on his face.

"Klaus I'm warning you. I don't know what type of girl you think I am but I am not going to fall over a guy and sleep with them over a break up." I state to him and Klaus begins to walk closer to me

"And I'm warning you. People who betray or define me will suffer the consequences." Klaus says and I feel myself walking back against the wall. There is literally no space in between us now. Klaus is literally inches again from my lips.

I start to feel Klaus's hand on my leg as he travels his hand slowly up to my waist.

"Klaus don't." I say as I bite my bottom lip. I then feel Klaus begins to place his hand on the outside of my underwear. I gasp on how fast he got his hands there. "Klaus." I sort of moan out but not completely.

"Alright fine." He said and he steps back a few feet from me. He is still close so I push him away as I try to fix myself.

Because of his teasing, I am now hot and flustered.

"Tease." I mutter to myself. "I'm leaving now." I announce to him and he nods and I walk out of his office.

A lot of you guys probably wondering when they are gonna get a steam hot office sex but not just yet lol. Sorry for a long update but I am promise. I am getting there☺️

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