𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2

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i wake up in immense pain, coming from my neck. i realize i fell asleep on the couch with my neck in a weird position.

i groan and get up. i stretch and pop my back.

"ky?" i call out with a yawn. no answer.

"kylie?" no answer.

"KYLIE IM DYING" nothing.

i start to worry so i go into her bedroom. her door is cracked open a bit. i peek in and see her sound asleep on her made bed. i laugh quietly and walk to the kitchen.

i grab a banana out of the fridge and unpeel it. i take a bite and walk to my room with it in hand.

i set my phone down on my dresser and take another bite of my banana. i look around at my walls and see the tour printouts of 5SOS that i got for christmas from my brother.

i quickly put my hair into a rushed bun and grab my phone. i walk back into the living room and see kylie walking out of her room.

"hey sleeping beauty." i laugh. she rolls her eyes and walks to the kitchen. she gets a bottled water from the fridge and takes a big sip out of it.

"do you wanna go get coffee?" i ask, in hopes of her agreeing. she nods and walks back to her room.

she's acting weird, but i shove it off and start getting ready.

i grab a nirvana shirt, my youngblood bomber jacket, a pair of skinny jeans and my all black combat boots.

i tuck my shirt into my jeans and put soft socks on my feet as i slip them into my boots. i slide my jacket on and start on my hair.

i take it out of the messy bun and brush it. it flattens out to its natural pin straight state. i tie a bandana on my head and put some makeup on.

i put a drop of concealer on and some mascara. i walk out the door and am greeted by kylie sitting on the stool in our kitchen.

"let's goooooo!!" she says.

she's wearing a white tee with a pair of denim shorts. for shoes, she's wearing adidas. her hair is tied back into a mini ponytail.

we walk out of the door and start our venture to get coffee.

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