𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 40

45 1 0

- A L E X I S -

there's only 2 days left until the guys leave. i let out a sigh and i walk into the guys' apartment.

"knock knock!" i say while looking for them. i get greeted by duke running to me. "oh hi, baby boy!!!" i say happily while petting his head and booping his cute nose.

i pick him up and embrace him in my arms. "where's your daddy and uncles?" i ask duke. he pants and wags his tail. thanks duke.

i hear quiet guitar strumming. i follow it and i walk up to a door. there's a sign on it that says "no gurlz allowed" i assume this is mikeys room. i walk in and i see all of them practicing.

"hey lex, we didn't hear you walk in." ashton says from his drum kit. "no it's fine, i got greeted by this little cutie right here." i say while lifting duke up and kissing his head.

they all smile and i sit on the floor, putting duke down. "what song are you practicing?" i ask. "the only reason." luke says. "oh yay, my favorite." i say warmly. ash claps his drum sticks together. "1, 2, 3!" he calls out and they all start playing.

michael starts off, which feeds into luke's solo but then goes to calum's solo and back to michaels. i was in pure awe by the time the song ended.

"that was beautiful." i say. they thank me and i pull duke onto my lap. i start playing this his ears as he lays down on my knee. i slowly pet him and i hear cal say, "aww my love is asleep."

i let him rest there for as long as possible. i've always wanted a dog.

"michael!!" i say. "yas?" he asks dramatically. "i wanna dye my hair, and i was wondering if you wanted to do it for me.." i say. he nods excitedly. "of course i'll do it!! what color are you thinkin?" he asks. "alex gaskarth blue." i reply. his smile gets wider. "well what are we waiting for? let's do it!" he says while taking his guitar off his body.

"wait, let duke wake up." i say while petting his head again. mike nods and luke comes over to me. he bends down and places a sweet kiss on my lips. i smile at this and he walks back over to where he was standing.

duke wakes up and starts stretching. "hi baby!" calum coos to the dog. i stand up with the help of luke's hand for balance. i hug him and he kisses me again. we both smile.

"now we can dye my hair!" i say happily. michael claps and grabs my arm, dragging me into the bathroom. "i may have the color, i'm not too sure though." he says while searching for it in the cabinets. "YES! I FOUND IT!!" he yells but pulling out a box of blue hair dye.

he also grabs a bleaching treatment. he sits me down on the closed toilet seat and wraps a towel around me. "guys, come in here!" i call to them. they all come shimmying in.

mike grabs a hairbrush and brushes through the tangles in my hair. he pins up certain places and starts mixing the bleach.

"are you ready?" he asks. i nod and smile. he grabs the applicator brush and brushes the treatment on my hair.

after a while, he finally finishes the bleach. "let it sit and we'll wash it." mike says. i nod and go on my phone. i call ky and put her on speaker.


"hey, it's me. come to the guys' house, we're doing something cool." i say

"on my way."

i hang up and place my phone down. "alright, time to wash." mike says while turning the shower water on.

"just dip your head over the bath and it'll rinse out." he says. he guides the water to my hair and i see the white dye come rushing out. i see a sliver of my now blonde hair. "oh my god!" i say.

this is insane. i've dyed my hair a few times, but nothing like this. i did highlights and dyed it blue but i didn't bleach it.

mikey finishes washing my hair and he dries it with a towel. "heyo, i'm here." kylie says. i smile at her and sit back down on the toilet seat.

mikey mixes the blue dye and starts applying it to my head.

~ a l i t t l e w h i l e l a t e r ~

"and we are done!" mikey says while blow drying my hair. i kept my eyes closed as he reached towards the from of my hair to where i could see. i wanted to be surprised with the ending.

i open my eyes and look at my freshly dyed blue hair. "oh my god mike, it looks great!!" i say while getting up and hugging him. he laughs and hugs back.

i walk over to luke. "so, how do ya like it?" i ask. he smiles and runs his fingers through my hair. "i love it, it's beautiful." he says. he kisses me softly and we pull apart. i look back to everyone and they give a thumbs up.

now time to get a tattoo....

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