𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 13

70 2 1

- L U K E -

michael finally finishes getting ready so we head out the door. i grab my car keys, house keys and phone and walk out. i make sure to lock the door and michael and i start walking down the hall.

we step onto the elevator. "god i need coffee." michael groans. "we're getting coffee on the way there. i promised alexis." i say while looking at my hands. i notice how veiny they are.

we make our way to the lobby and we walk out to the car. i get in the drivers seat as michael gets into the passenger seat. we both buckle our seatbelts and we start to drive to vera.

- A L E X I S -

i go into my room and start getting dressed. i settle on a pair of camo green skinny jeans, a long sleeve black crop top and a pair of white socks.

i take my hair out of the braid i slept in and it reveals my natural straight brown hair, now wavy and beautiful.

i forget about makeup and i walk into the living room.

i pass ky as she sits on the couch.

i go into the kitchen and start on breakfast. i decide to make pancakes, eggs and bacon. i was gonna make coffee but luke said he's bringing coffee.

i finish up the food and i put it all on plates and i put it in the oven on warm until the guys come.

"oh ky. i forgot to mention that michael is coming as well." i say with a smirk. "oh my fuck, of course he is." she says.

she gets up from the couch and she's wearing a shirt- wait, that's my shirt. "KYLIE THAT'S MY SHIRT!" i yell. she laughs and takes it off leaving her in her bra as she walks back into her room. she throws the shirt at me as she closes her door. i laugh and walk into my room with it and put it on my bed.

i walk back out at the same time as her. she's wearing a black t-shirt with a boob pocket and a pair of white yoga shorts. "better?" she asks. i nod as i hear a knock at the front door.

i yelp. "oh my shit, they're actually here." i say. kylie laughs and walks into the kitchen, stealing a piece of bacon from the oven.

"IM COMING!" i yell so that the guys can hear me through the door.

i walk over to the front door and i unlock it. i pull it open and stands there are two lanky tall australian men.

luke looks gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. his hair is slicked back on top and his eyes are an exact replica of the ocean.

michael looks damn good. he has on ripped jeans, a sleeping with sirens shirt and rugged black combat boots.

my mouth opens a bit but i'm speechless at how handsome they look.

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