𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3

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we finally make it to the cafe and i hold the door open for kylie. she slips in under my arm and i walk in behind her.

i breathe in that beautiful scent of the addictive caffeine i rely on daily for my energy.

kylie and i make our way to the line and we start to wait.

as we wait, i scroll through instagram. i catch a post from michael. i instantly heart it and smile. i slide my phone back into my pocket.

as it's our turn to order, i tell kylie to go ahead of me because i still don't know what i want.

she goes ahead of me and as she's ordering, i hear very familiar laughs.


this can't be real.

i slowly turn around and i'm greeted with 4 lanky, smiley aussie men. i immediately start to blush because my idols are standing in front of me.

i smile and turn back around to face aubrey. "no fucking way." she mutters to me. i raise my eyebrows and my eyes are bulging out.

it's my turn to order.

"hi welcome to vera coffee, what can i get started for you today?" the smiley barista says to me.

"hi. can i get a large iced vanilla cold brew?" i ask politely.

"yeah, of course! what's the name for the drink?"


"okay, thank you. that'll be $3.89" she says while handing me my receipt as i hand her the money.

i smile and walk to where kylie is standing. i am still dumbfounded about earlier. "bro what the fuck. is it really them?" i ask her quietly.

she nods and puts an arm on my shoulder to try and calm me down.

i look back to the guys and i lock eyes with luke. i see a light shade of pink slowly creep up his cheeks, as mine do the same.

i start tearing up because the 4 guys diagonal from me are my lifesavers. they were here when others weren't.

kylie starts to notice and pulls me into a hug. "hey it's okay. you're fine." she says while rubbing my back slowly.

i start to sob into her shoulder as she continues to rub my back.

as i start to somewhat calm down, i feel a little tap on my left shoulder. i lift my head off kylie's shoulder and i'm met with a gorgeous pair of hazel eyes. ashton.

"hey. i saw you crying and just wanted to make sure you're okay." ashton says while rubbing the back of his neck. "i'm okay. just a little shaken up. thanks." i say back.

he flashes his signature smile. i melt from the inside out. i smile back as he turns around and walks back to the rest of the band.

i look back to ky and she is smiling so hard. "you just met your idol." she says. i nod and smile as well.

i've always had a different love for ashton. i love the rest of the guys, of course but ashton has a special place in my heart.

i think it's because we have a lot of similarities and a lot of the same battles.

i come back to reality as i hear my name being called for my coffee.


calum's name was called at the same time as i was walking over to the counter.

i walk up to the counter and i see luke reaching for the same coffee right next to mine. i look at the name of the coffee and see calum scribbled on top of it. i giggle and look at luke's coffee- says alexis.

i retrieve my coffee and smile at the guys.

they all smile. ashton giggles a bit but luke hides.

i frown at this.

"luke, i know she's cute. stop being such a baby, come say hi to her." ashton says annoyedly.

"h-hi, i'm luke." he says while coming out from behind ashton.

i blush.

"hi luke. i'm alexis, nice to meet you." i say while sticking my hand out. he takes it and shakes it.

we sit there just staring at each other while our hands are connected.

i hear someone clear their throat. kylie.

"luke, just fuckin hug her goddamnit." she says. mikey high fives after she says it.

i laugh a bit and luke giggles. he's blushing a bit but starts to inch closer for a hug.

we pull each other in and hug. it's a nice hug.

"you smell good." i say while laughing. i feel him start to laugh as his chest vibrates. "thanks." he says back.

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