𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 7

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- A L E X I S-

it's been 2 days since ky and i met the guys. i honestly haven't been the same since. i've been more perky and happy about life.

i'm currently scrolling on instagram while sitting on the couch, eating popcorn with kylie. i see that luke posted something.

i immediately click on it and it's a picture of a coffee cup captioned with: you never know how much two people can connect over coffee.

i yelp.

is he talking about me? did we bond? is he talking about mike and ky? questions overflow my head.

"did you see luke's new post?" i ask kylie. she shakes her head, no. i show her and she gasps.

"he's definitely talking about you and him." she says while examining the picture and caption. "really?" i ask. she nods happily.

"i feel like he's talking about you and mike because you two really bonded." i say while getting up. "i don't know." she says while turning her head to face me.

"sweet or salty?" i ask randomly. "salty." she answers with a confused look.

i grab a bag of chips from the pantry to pour into the empty bowl of popcorn on the couch. i also grab two bottles of soda.

i sit back down and put the chips in and hand kylie a bottle of diet coke.

we finish our debate on who the post is about and she puts on a movie. she puts on the original aladdin. i make a happy sound and get under the blanket.

i cant help but think again...

is it about me?

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