𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 9

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omg what the fuck, is all i think to myself.

luke h. -i'll call you :-)
me- okay awesome! i'll be here :)

my phone starts to ring and luke's name pops up. my heart starts to race but i pick it up.

"hey alexis!" luke says over the phone. "hi luke!!" i say excitedly.

"how are you?" he asks. "i'm good. you?" i answer. "i'm well, thank you."

it gets a bit awkward because we become silent. "LUCAS GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE, I WANNA PLAY FIFA." i hear michael yell. i laugh at this.

"HI MICHAEL!" i yell through the phone. "is lukey pukey talking to a girl?" ashton says. "oh fuck yea, is it alexis?" cal butts in.

i blush at cals question. i see luke blush as well. "oh hi alexis." ashton says as he peeks his head into the camera. "hi ash." i say while trying to hide my cheeks.

i put my phone on the table and balance it on a candle and i hide my cheeks with my hands.

"stop hiding your beautiful face." luke says. i blush again at him calling me beautiful. i smile really big and keep my hands off my face.

"luke, you're makin her blush. you're doing well buddy." michael says while laughing.

luke rolls his eyes but smiles widely at his comment.

"lex? can you come here, i need you for a second." kylie calls. "is that kylie?" i hear mikey say. i giggle at this comment. "yes michael. it is." his face comes into the screen with a big smile.

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