𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 17

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- L U K E -

i walk out of alexis' room with my hands balled up in fists and my jaw clenched. how could someone ever hurt her? we all have our bad days, yes but that doesn't mean you take it out on someone for their decision.

i really hope i don't have to meet that chris guy because i will end up beating the ever loving shit out of him and that will most likely cause alexis to hate me, and i really don't want her to hate me.

after she told me why she cut, she seemed like she had to say more but she stopped. i wonder why?

"lucas." michael says in a stern voice. i look up to him. "what happened? you look angry as fuck." he says while looking back to aubrey for a quick second, as he was asking for agreement.

"alexis. she told me about her ex, and god i really wanna fucking kill him." i say to michael. i look to him and i see his hands start to slowly clench into fists. "what'd he do to her? i swear to god luke." he says angrily.

"he fuckin abused her mike. i don't know if you saw but she has scars on her wrist because of him. i really wish i was there to help her.." i finish off.

"but you were." kylie butts in. mike and i share a confused look.

"you guys are the reason she's still here. she held on for you." she continues. "-and now you guys are like her best friends so she really wants to stay. she loves you guys so fucking much." she adds.

"she always has your music playing, she's always getting your merch, keeping up with you on socials, she does all that so she can stay alive, luke." she finishes.

i feel myself start to tear up and i look to mike and i can see the water start to brim his eyes. "i- i don't know what to say ky." i say lowly.

"there isn't really anything to say. we just have to be glad that she's here. i have to thank you for that, along with ashton and calum." kylie says while reaching out to grab my hand.

"she loves you guys so much, it hurts. i've seen her go from depressed and never wanting to go anywhere or do anything, to being a bubbly person who wants to sing and dance and not worry about life." she says while squeezing my hand and smiling at me.

"you saved her from her demons. you were right there at her beck and call." she adds.

"so were you though. you were here with her and helped her the best you could." michael says. "i just tried to listen to what she needed." kylie says back to him.

"that's why i've been doing all these types of things with you guys. ya know, how i got the pictures and i got tickets to tonights show? i did it because i want her to stay like this, i don't want her to fall back into her depressing state. i make sure i can do what makes her happy and just seeing her face light up when she sees my surprises really makes me happy." she says.

i still can't believe it.

we saved her.

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