𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 34

51 1 4

- A L E X I S -

i could definitely get used to waking up next to luke. he looks so peaceful and beautiful. his hair isn't done, it's natural and curly. his eyes flutter a bit. "goodmorning princess." he says with his hot morning voice.

princess? oh my god. "morning handsome." i say. he tries to kiss me and i put a hand on his chest. "morning breath baby." i say while getting up to brush my teeth. "KISS ME GODDAMNIT!" he yells from my bed. "LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS, GIVE ME A SECOND!" i yell back. "wait how do you know my whole name?" he asks but then starts talking again. "oh, haha i forgot you are a fan." he answers his own question. i roll my eyes and finish brushing.

i walk back into my room and luke's muscley back is to me. i put my hand to it and i rub it slowly. i walk around to his face and he ignores me. i lay back down and i got on my phone.

i hear him sigh. "what's wrong?" i ask, putting my phone down. he doesn't answer. i scoot closer to him and i boop his nose. "is someone upset that i didn't kiss him when he woke up?" i say with a baby voice. he ignores me. an idea comes to my mind.

i start to kiss his neck.

doesn't budge.

i know exactly where his sweet spot is, so i kiss it and suck. he moans. i smirk to myself. i release and i see a deep purple mark right under his ear. i blow cold air on it and turn around so my back is facing him now.

he grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. he kisses my neck and i don't move. revenge. "baby, cmon." he says with a raspy voice.

"i'm sorry for ignoring you. please, i'm really sorry." he says. ugh i cant take him being sad. i whip my head around and give him a deep kiss.

he pulls me closer and slides his tongue into my mouth. "alexis!" kylie calls from outside my door. i break apart from luke. "yea?" i yell. "breakfast is made!" she says. "oh fuck yes, i'm starving!" i call out.

i kiss luke once more and i get up. he doesn't move. "luke, let's go eat!" i say while pulling on a 5SOS shirt, leaving on my striped pajama shorts. "lucas, come on!" i say again while grabbing his arm.


"fine." i say with a huff. an evil thought comes into my mind.

i walk over to him and i turn him over so his back is against the bed. i lift his shirt slightly and i hook my finger into the waistband of his sweatpants. he finally looks at me and i continue.

let's just say, he got out of bed to eat with me.

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