𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 31

53 1 7

- A L E X I S -

i remember everything that happened. we were at the concert and i fell and got stepped on. i don't remember afterwards but waking up felt nice.

i see luke grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek, he's also crying.

i open my eyes fully and i lock them with his ocean blue ones. he starts tearing up.

"hi baby. how do you feel?" he asks me while sniffling.

i'm going to hell for this.

"i-um.... who are you..?" i ask confused.

he starts to cry more. "baby.. it's luke." he says sadly.

i start laughing. he gives me a crazed look. "bubba, i know it's you. i could never forget those beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile, especially those luscious curls." i say while grabbing his face.

he cries some more and i pull his face close to mine and i place a small gentle kiss on his lips.

"h-how do you feel?" he asks again. "i'm alright. my head hurts a bit and my throat hurts, but i'll be fine." i say while rubbing my head.

he nods and kisses me again. "i'm so happy you're okay. these few days without you; your smile, your eyes, your dimples, god i missed your dimples... they sucked lex, they really fuckin sucked." he says.

i smile and blush.

i look to the end of my bed and i see two lanky bodies. calum and ashton. i laugh quietly and i poke them with my foot.

"what the fuck!!!" calum screams as he feels my foot poke his cheek. he looks up to me and smiles hugely. he quickly gets off my bed and engulfs me in the biggest hug of my life.

"oh lex, you're okay." he says while rubbing my head. he kisses the top of my head and i hear him sniffle. he pulls away so we meet face to face.

he sits down on the chair opposite of luke. i grab cals hand and give it a squeeze. i bring it to my lips and i kiss it. "i'm not going anywhere." i say.

"why was cal screaming?" i hear mikey groggily say while rubbing his eye. "OMG ALEXIS!" he yells. i smile as he runs over to me. he pushes cal out of the way and hugs me tightly.

"you don't understand how melancholy the past few days have been. we've all been really fuckin upset, especially kylie and luke. kylie mostly though." he says as he pulls away from the hug and kisses my forehead.

"i would figure that, she's been my rock since i moved here." i say truthfully.

calum shoves michael back to sit next to me again. i laugh at this while mikey pokes ashtons cheek in hopes of waking him up.

i hold up a finger to mikey and i try to wake ash up. "ashy baby, wake up. i'm alive, i wanna see your hazel eyes and curly hair and stupid cute smile." i say and i look to luke, his jaw is clenched.

i grab his hand. "baby, i'm all yours. i'm not leaving you, ever. i'm just trying to wake him, please don't be angry." i say. "i'm not, i promise." he says with a small smile.

i look back to ash and he's starting to wake up. his arms are moving a bit. i reach over carefully without pulling my iv's out and i run my fingers through his hair. "ashyyyy wake up!!!!" i say while booping his nose.

his eyes start opening and it takes him a second to figure out what's going on, until his eyes shoot up and he rushes off the bed and close to my side.

he hugs me and starts whispering stuff. "lex, i was so worried but lucas here, couldn't stop crying." he says and i laugh. i look to luke. "you love me." i say while still laughing.

"what's everyone laughing a-" kylie stops talking and breaks down in tears. "babe, come here." i say. she falls to the floor and continues to cry. "mike go get her." luke says.

mikey gets up and picks kylie up and places her next to me. i wrap my arms around her. "babe, i'm okay i promise." i say while tearing up.

"i thought you wouldn't make it. i- i was so worried lex." she says while sniffling. i wipe a tear from her face as she continues. "i don't know what id do without you." i start to cry.

i hear a few sniffles not coming from kylie. they're coming from the guys. "the guys are crying." i say with a laugh. she starts to laugh too. "HEY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT US?" mikey says loudly. "michael, you are yelling!" ashton says. i laugh thinking back to the interview they had when they talked about how a cow would say hello.

kylie and i pull away and she stands up. i look at what she's wearing, it's all my clothes.. my favorite clothes too! she has on my 5SØS sweatpants and my tie dye blue teeth hoodie. "THOSE ARE MINE!" i yell. "she's back!" luke says. we all laugh.

"hey no need to gang up on the girl! it's your sweatpants, yes but my hoodie." michael says in ky's defense. i roll my eyes and go back to laughing with my best friends.

i missed them.

i really fuckin missed them.

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