𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 16

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i click on the message. it's from my abusive ex, chris.

chris: hey

me: what the fuck do you want chris?

chris: can we talk soon, i miss you.

i feel a panic attack coming on. "kylie." i croak out. she doesn't hear me. "kylie!" i try to say louder. she hears me.

she sees the colorlessness in my face and the sadness in my eyes. she comes rushing over.

"what happened?" she asks. i don't answer, i just show her my phone. she curses under her breath. "you're okay. i'm not gonna let that happen. he's not seeing you. you're staying right here with me, mikey and luke." she says in a reassuring tone.

i try to calm down but it doesn't work. i let out shaky breaths and tears roll down my face.

"i'm gonna go in my room. you can hang out with the guys but i don't want them to see me like this." i say while getting up. kylie nods and i walk into my room.

i take off my jeans and slide into my 5SOS sweatpants. i leave my crop top on, i just put a big sweater over it.

i climb into my bed and put the covers over me.

after some time passes, i hear a knock at my room door. i cant say anything because as i'm about to, i see a blond head of hair pop through my door.

"hey, you okay?" he asks while walking towards me. "i could be better." i answer truthfully. "what happened?" he asks. i hesitate to answer. "if you aren't comfortable with telling me, it's fine. i'll still be here." he says as he sits on my bed beside me.

i take a deep breath in and lift my sweater sleeve.

"i know when we first met you saw these. i saw your eyes drop to them when i stuck my hand out to shake yours. i feel like i should explain why i have them." i say and i take another deep breath.

"yeah, i did see them." he says sadly.

i lift my sleeve up a little further to reveal all my scars.

"i had a boyfriend in high school. his name was chris. i really loved him, i thought he was such an amazing person and i thought he would never hurt me. damn was i wrong." i pause to breathe again.

"we went out for about 3 1/2 years. at the end of our relationship, he started to lose interest so i told him that we should break up.." i stop as the flashbacks come rolling in. i push them all back and i wipe the tears away. i breathe once more and start again.

"when i said that, he slapped me. he also grabbed me and kneed me in the ribs. mind you, he was high off his ass at this moment, along with being wasted. he told me that i was to never say that again or else he would do something worse." i look to luke and his jaw is clenched. i grab his hand and his demeanor seems to soften up.

"i hated that he kept getting high and drunk constantly and i really just wanted to end it at this point. so i tried to break up with him again. he grabbed me by the shirt and punched me across the face, along with throwing me into my dresser." i say while raising my shirt and lowering my pants to reveal a bruise that has been there for about a year.

"i was finally able to get out of his sight, so i left. that's why i came here. but before i left i did some bad things..." i say while trying to relax. i saw that my sleeve fell so i lift it back up and i point to my scars as i talk.

"i started cutting. all i really wanted was to die. he made me feel so worthless." his words kept repeating in my head while i told luke. he squeezes my hand and i continue.

"i cut a lot, it wasn't only on my wrist. it was on my hips, thighs and stomach. i ended up getting help once i moved here. i decided to start a new life in new york and i did." luke smiles a bit.

"i met kylie and we moved in together. i went to therapy and group meetings and little by little, i got better. the reason i freaked out today was because chris texted me..." luke's jaw clenches again but this time visibly hard.

"i've been 6 months clean which is good but today really brought back some bad memories." luke shows a tiny smile.

"i'm sorry luke. i just poured so much out to you. you probably don't even care. you can go back to michael and kylie." i say, not looking at him as i take my hand from his.

he doesn't say anything, he just grabs my hand again. he squeezes it tight and starts to lean in. it doesn't seem real until he places the other hand on my waist and he takes my hand and puts it on his neck.

i take my hand out of his and join it with the other. he does the same with his hands on my waist.

this isn't happening.

we both start to lean in and i glance at his lips. our lips meet and start moving in sync. his lips are perfect, they are so soft and plump.

he deepens the kiss by running his tongue on my bottom lip. i gasp but open my mouth a bit, giving it access. i run my hands through his curls and i tug a bit, causing a sound to come out of luke.

he squeezes my waist and things finally come back to reality. i pull away from the kiss with a big smile.

i look at luke and his lips are pinkish red and they're swollen. "i-i'm sorry. i shouldn't have done that." he says while slapping his hand to his forehead. "no, it's okay. i liked it." i say to him.

he gives a sigh of relief and starts to get up. "i'm gonna go back in there, so they don't suspect anything." he says. i nod my head and he leaves my room.

oh my fucking god.

i just kissed



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