𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 38

47 1 4

- A L E X I S -

luke walks out and i just cry. i cant hold back the tears anymore.

he's going on tour.


a world tour, for god sake.

i put on amnesia and i lay on my bed, rethinking our whole conversation. i cry some more and i finally finish up my breakdown.

i walk out into the living room and i'm met with kylie on the phone.



"we're here! swing by whenever!"

i figure she's talking to michael so i go up to her and grab the phone out of her hand. i look at it and see michaels contact. i put it up to my ear and start talking.

"hi michael."

"hi alexis, where'd kylie go?"

"i took the phone. anyway, if you come over.. please bring luke with you."

"ya totally, we'll be there in 20"

i hand back the phone to kylie and i go to the fridge. i pull out a diet pepsi and i take a big, long sip of it. i swallow and the bubbles go up to my nose, making me scrunch it up and burping.

"whoops." i say to myself.

i walk back to my room to grab my airpods and phone. i connect the headphones and i start to play wherever you are. of course i start to cry because i think about today.

"hey- alexis what's wrong?" michael says while walking in. luke behind him. "nothing mike, i'm fine. i just accidentally bumped into the wall while walking out." i give a fake smile. he buys it and walks over to kylie, giving her a hug and kiss.

luke walks towards me and hugs me. "i know why you're crying. it's because of me, i'm sorry. i never wanna be the reason for your tears." he whispers. i cry more and i pull away from his arms.

i grab his arm and i pull him into my room. i sit him on the bed while i disconnect my airpods and put them away. "i'm gonna talk, and you're gonna let me talk without interrupting." i say sternly. he nods his head as i start.

"luke robert hemmings, you have been such a light in my life and who the fuck knew i'd go from scrolling through endless pictures of you when i was 17 to being able to actually be with you now. i never wanted to break up with you and i never will, i just think we should take a little bit of a break while you go back on tour." i take a pause to breathe.

"i always wanna be around you and be with you but i can't drop everything to go on tour with you. even though you didn't ask me, but ya get the point. how do i say this.. luke i-" i stop for a second.

"luke... i love you. not 'i love you' as in a fan i love you. this is a real i love you."

"i've fallen so god damn hard for you. you make my heart race when i see you. i get butterflies whenever we hug or you accidentally touch me. when i see those gorgeous eyes, i melt. yes, i'm a fan and i always will be but you have a place in my heart, luke."

"i love you.." i finish off.

he smiles. "i love you too alexis. i really fucking love you." i smile also and we go into a hug. "this will work out, i promise. we can take a break while i'm on tour, but i'll make sure i call you or text you often." he says while wiping a tear from my face. i nod.

we get off my bed and walk out to the living room. we're met with kylie and mikey crying on the sofa. they hear us walk out and they look to us. kylie's eyes are bloodshot and mikeys nose is red and runny.

"i hate this, i hate this so much." luke says. we all nod in agreement. "kylie, i love you.." mikey says. we stand there in shock. "i love you too mikey." she says while sniffling. they seal off their love with a kiss.

i'm really gonna fucking miss him.

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