𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 12

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- L U K E -

a few minutes ago, i hung up with alexis and i landed myself a visit to her apartment.

i've started to really enjoy her company. i thought she'd be a regular fan, but she's actually really cool when it comes to hanging out with me and the guys.

she picked up on the new york accent and it's really funny hearing her say certain things, like coffee and water oh and my favorite, when she says chocolate.

we've gotten close. i know her favorite color, song, food, all that.

i wanna know deeper things about her, like what she thinks of certain sports or climate change. i also wanna know why she has the little scars on her wrist.

i want to get to know the true alexis.


i look at my watch and see that it's 8:45 and she told me to get there around 9:30, so i should start getting ready.

i put on a pair of skinny jeans that have a rip in the left knee, a guns n' roses shirt with a pair of heeled chelsea boots. i leave my hair in its natural unruly curls, i just use my comb (since we don't have any hairbrushes, we only have this comb) to slick the top back.

i go into the washroom and i brush my teeth, apply deodorant and put on my bracelets.

i text alexis with a question.

me- hey, should i bring mike so him and kylie can bond?

i wait a few seconds until she messages me back.

alexis ☕️ - haha yea you can. i can tell she misses him.

me- sounds good. we'll be there in 30! i'll bring coffee!

alexis ☕️- ugh ur awesome :-)

i laugh at her message as i make my way to michaels room.

"michael." i say. no answer.

"gordon!" i say louder. nothin.

"MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD!" i yell. he groans. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT? LET ME SLEEP FOR FUCKS SAKE." he yells while grabbing the blankets and pulling them further up.

"kylie wants to see you, dickhead." i say walking out of his room. "wait wait wait, come back in here." he says. i laugh at this and walk back in.

"she wants to see me?" he asks excitedly. "yeah, now get dressed we are going to their apartment in 20 minutes." i say as i walk out of his room again.

i walk around the house and i go peek into the other guys rooms. ashton is sound asleep, along with calum.

i go back into my room and i sit on my bed.

does she really want to see me?

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