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- 2 YEARS LATER - (3rd person)

the guys came back from tour, about a year later. alexis and luke had the same connection but stronger. mikey and ky had the same.

ashton met a girl, her name is kaitlin but they all call her kaykay. calum is still single but he lives with his sister and duke.

- 5 YEARS LATER - (3rd person)

alexis, luke, calum and ashton are all standing at michael and kylie's wedding. michael proposed on ky's birthday, last year. she cried when he did it, so did he though.

"you may now, kiss the bride." the wedding officiant says and with that being said, michael gives kylie a deep long kiss.

they run down the aisle hand in hand with huge smiles on their faces.

they have the reception and get shitfaced with the other 4. they laugh about all the good times and they start remembering the movie nights.

they all smile nostalgically.

"we had some good times, didn't we?" ashton asks. we all nod.

- 2 YEARS LATER - (alexis' pov)

it's luke and i's wedding. he proposed on the beach a few months after kylie and michaels wedding.

i'm about to be walked down the aisle by my two brothers. i spot luke and he looks so handsome. he looks at me and starts to cry.

i cry too. my brothers give me away to luke and stand behind him. kylie is behind me with my brothers wives.

"we gather here today to join the lives of luke and alexis." i look to my mom; she's officiating our wedding.

we say our vows and we slip the rings on each other fingers.

"by the power invested in me, i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride!" she says as luke leans in and kisses me. he dips me passionately and pulls me back up.

kylie hands me my bouquet back and luke and i join hands and we run down the aisle. we go to our reception party and have so much fun. we drink and eat. we laugh, we dance, we sing, we did so much.

it was beautiful. absolutely beautiful.

the wedding finishes and luke and i head home to our newly built house. we walk in and is greeted by our bulldog puppy, petunia. all the guys make fun of her because she's chunky, we love her though.

we walk into our bedroom and we lay down on the bed. "hi mrs hemmings." luke says sweetly. "hi mr hemmings." i say back.

i just married the man who made me feel good about myself when no one else could.

we end up falling asleep just like we used to. my leg draped over his legs and my head nuzzled into his neck.


luke is at band practice while i'm at home. i haven't been feeling well recently. i've been throwing up every morning and been falling asleep everyday at 1 pm on the dot.

i call up kylie.

"hey, can you come over?" i ask.

"ya! i'm on my way over!"

a few minutes pass and there's a knock at the door. i run downstairs and i'm greeted by kylie. i let her in and i hug her. we walk upstairs.

"when you were pregnant with izzy, what were your symptoms?" i ask. "well, i was throwing up a lot and falling asleep. i also had cravings for A LOT of different things." she answers.

i pull out a pregnancy test from under the sink and i call luke.

"hi baby girl, what's up?" he asks.

"can you come home? i need you for something." i say.

"ya, i'm on my way."

"okay, love you." i say.

"love you sweetheart."

i hang up and put my phone down. "do you think you're pregnant..?" aubrey asks. i shrug. "i may be, i've been falling asleep at 1 pm everyday and throwing up constantly." i say.

"you may be!!" she says while a squeal.

"BABY? IM HOME!" luke yells from downstairs. "IM UP HERE!" i yell back. i hear his vans clicking against the wood stairs.

"oh hey ky!" he says to her and hugs her. he comes to me and i quickly hide the test without him seeing. "hi babyyyy!" i drag out as i hug him. i give him a kiss and he walks out into our bedroom.

"i'm gonna go. this is a special moment for you two. keep me updated, i love you." aubrey says as she walks out. "BYE LUKE!" she yells. "BYE AUBZ!" he yells as she closes the door.

"baby?! come here!!!" luke calls from our room. "hold on lukey, i gotta pee." i say as i close the bathroom door. i hover over the test and i start to pee on it. i finally get it and i rest it on the counter.

i flush and wash my hands. i wait around 2 minutes and i look at it.

oh my god.

"baby? you okay?" luke calls from outside. i push down the tears. "yeah, come in." i say. he opens the door and looks at my hands to see what i'm holding.

"ba-baby is this real?" he asks with teary eyes. i nod happily. he lifts me up happily and peppers my face with kisses.

i'm pregnant with my favorite mans baby.

we get all our excitement out and we walk down the block to vera.

i walk in and am greeted by that beautiful scent.

i go up to the table kylie and i sat at when we first met the guys. i pat it. "thank you vera." i say quietly.

all thanks to this café, i met the man of my dreams. we got married and now we're pregnant with a beautiful baby.

all the memories of us meeting, replay in my mind. i smile widely. "thank you vera." i mumble..

i'm never losing him again.

it's crazy to think that all this started here in this exact cafe...

fate is crazy sometimes

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