𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 39

47 1 1

- A L E X I S -

it's been a few days since kylie and i found out about the guys' tour. we've been moping around and constantly crying over it.

they leave on tuesday at 7am. today is thursday, so we have only 5 days left with them. i cry at the thought of this.

i walk into my room and i plop onto my bed. i take a deep breath in and let out a wail. it's full of pain and sadness.

i end up falling asleep for the rest of the night.

~ n e x t d a y ~

i wake up to the feeling of my bed dipping. i slowly open my eyes and i see luke now laying in my bed. "i didn't mean to wake you, go back to sleep." he says quietly while caressing my head. i groggily nod and fall back to sleep in his arms.

"aww look at how cute they look." i hear a quiet voice say. "aww cuties, i gotta get a picture of this." another voice says.

"if you wake luke, i will beat the shit out of you. i know we're going through a rocky patch but i love him and i'm gonna spend these last couple days with him." i say while shooing them out.

my phone buzzes with a notification from instagram.

michaelclifford just posted on his story!

i open it and a picture of luke and i snuggled up together, is there. there's a caption saying "two sleepy lovebirds" i quietly laugh at this and i set my phone down.

"baby, wake up. we gotta spend our days together!" i say while leaving little kisses on luke's face. he giggles and wakes up. "hi princess. did you sleep well?" he asks while stretching. i nod and i get off my bed. "come on, let's go. get changed, i wanna go hang out with my boyfriend and 4 best friends." i say while taking off my shirt to switch it to a harry styles shirt. i take off my sweatpants and i put on skinny jeans. i slide my vans on and i look back at luke.

he looks like a mirror image, yet he's wearing his own merch. i take my hair down from the bun and i brush it. i put a bandana in and grab luke's hand, pulling him out of my room.

"let's go have some fun!" i yell out.

and that's exactly what we did. we went shopping, got mobbed by paps but cal pissed them off. we got starbucks, went to a record store. we found their albums all in vinyls so i bought all 4 of them.

we got lunch, saw a movie and walked around the mall.

we drove back to the apartment and we ordered pizza because all of us were too tired to cook.

i put in the vhs version of beauty and the beast. as it plays the doorbell rings and i get up to grab it. i accept the pizza and hand over the money. i thank the pizza boy and walk back to my friends, setting the 3 boxes down.

kylie snuggles up into mikey. i snuggle into luke as cal and ash sit there cuddled into blankets.

i look around to my friends.

i'm really gonna miss this.

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