𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 25

59 1 5

- L U K E -

"alexis!" i yell. kylie hears me and pulls me to her side.

i look closer and see a shoe mark on the side of her neck along with red marks on her arms. they aren't cuts, it's marks from being stepped on.

"oh my god." i say with a broken voice.

this girl means so much to me and i've only known her for a week or two. this cant be happening.

fans start to clear the way for me which i'm grateful for.

i bend down and pick alexis up in bridal style.

i look to kylie. "call 911. NOW." i say with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"i got you baby. don't give up on me, i'm here. stay with me!" i say while walking to the front.

i walk outside with alexis still in my arms and i hear sirens. oh thank god.

i hear a door bust open. it's kylie and the guys.

kylie is crying on michaels shoulder, ash is tearing up along with the rest of them.

"she's a strong girl, she's gonna get through this." ashton says.

i nod, i close my eyes and start to pray in my head.

god, please make her feel better. bring her back to me. i need her. kylie needs her. we all need her, please.

i finish praying and i open my eyes. the ambulance is here.

a paramedic comes rushing out with a stretcher. "name? age? blood type?" she asks rather quickly.

"alexis. 23. O+" kylie says.

"sir, i need you to place alexis on the stretcher." the paramedic says to me. i nod and slowly place her down on it.

i grab her hand and kiss it.

"i love you alexis."

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