𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 42

44 1 0

- A L E X I S -

today is the day we've been dreading.... the guys leaving.

i check my phone and see that it's 4:30 am. their flight is at 7. i look over and see luke sleeping peacefully. i hate waking him up, but i have to.

"baby, come on wake up. you'll miss your flight." i say as he grabs my waist and snuggles into me. he groans. "bubba, please come on." i plead. he gives in and his blue eyes open, meeting mine.

he runs his hand through my blue hair and smiles softly. i give him a quick kiss and i get up and out of bed. i stretch my back and walk to the bathroom. i pee real quick, wash my hands and walk back out to luke. he's sitting up on my bed, scrolling through his phone.

his eyes are watery. "babe, what's wrong?" i ask while taking his phone out of his hands and throwing it to the other side of the bed. "i- i'm just gonna miss being here with you.." he sniffles. i frown. "me too baby. i'm gonna miss you so much but it'll be good for us. i promise." i reassure him. he nods and gets out of my bed.

as he walks to my bathroom, i walk to the kitchen. the little island light is on and kylie is talking to the rest of the guys. they all slept over so it would be easier for us to bring them to the airport.

their voices are quiet. i walk all the way in and they see me. "hi amor." ky says while hugging me. i hug back and pull away, moving onto the guys. i hug them individually then we do a group hug.

i'm really gonna miss this.

luke walks into the kitchen to join us. he snakes his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek. we all smile and start talking about the fun times we had together.

a little time passes and it's time to go. the guys groan and grab their bags. they load them into my toyota and come back upstairs to ky and i.

"did everyone check rooms to see if they left anything?" i ask in a motherly tone. they all shake their heads yes. i nod and we start walking out of the apartment.

we climb into my car. i'm driving, luke's in the passenger while everyone is squished in the backseat.

i grab luke's hand and i drive off to JFK Airport.

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