𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 4

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-L U K E-

i walk into the café with the rest of the guys. i run my fingers through my quiff.

we get in line and i start to hear ashton laugh. "what?" i ask. he points to the girl in front of us. she's wearing our merch. i laugh at this too.

michael and calum look at it as well and start to laugh.

the girl turns around.

she has big brown eyes, long dark hair, dimples and a pearly white smile. i start to feel the blood spread through my cheeks when i see her.

the guys and i start smiling. mike on the other hand, sticks his tongue out at her, which makes her giggle.

she turns back around to face her friend. i notice her friend look to us with a smile, i look at mikey and i see his eyes light up and a shade of pink spreads across his face.

the brown eyed girl orders her drink. large iced vanilla cold brew. it sounds like music to my ears. i order that everytime i come here.

as she walks over to her friend, i notice what she's wearing.

a dark blue nirvana shirt, our youngblood bomber jacket, skinny jeans and combat boots. i silently laugh to myself because i'm also wearing skinny jeans with a dark blue nirvana shirt, but for shoes i have on all black high top converse.

we all order and calum pays. "mate, i got it." i say to him while reaching over with my card. he pushes my hand away. "luke, let me pay. you pay all the time." he says back. i sigh and let him pay.

we walk over to a table with 4 chairs, each of us take a seat. i look over to the girl and i see her crying on her friends shoulder. ashton also notices. he gets up to see if she's okay.

he taps her shoulder and she lifts her head to face him. their conversation is inaudible. they both smile and ashton comes walking back to us.

"what happened?" mikey asks. "she said that she was shaken up, but she's alright." ash answers.

i wonder why she's shaken up. we're normal guys and she seemed pretty cool when she saw us. she didn't freak out.

"alexis?" i hear the barista call out. the girl gets up from her friend and gets her drink. "calum?" the barista also cals name, signaling our drinks are done.

we all walk over at the same pace as alexis. we get there at the same time as her. all the guys get their drinks and i have to pause for a second because alexis and i ordered the same thing.

she laughs and looks down at her cup. she accidentally grabbed mine. she turns her cup and i see calum scribbled at the top of the plastic.

hearing her laugh is such a beautiful sound. i haven't even fully met her but i love the sound. i blush and smile as i take her cup. i look down and i see alexis scribbled on the top of my cup.

she sniffles a bit and locks eyes with me. i look away for a split second and see her unnamed friend walking over.

i start to walk behind ashton so he's covering me. i look at my hands and hang my head low.

"luke, i know she's cute. stop being such a baby, say hi to her." ashton says.

i walk out from behind him and lock eyes with her yet again. "h-hi im luke." i stutter. "hi luke. i'm alexis, nice to meet you." she says while reaching out a hand.

i see the sleeve of her jacket rolled up which reveals tiny pink scars under a few bracelets. i grab her hand and shake it.

"luke, fuckin hug her goddamnit." her friend says. i look over at her and michael high fives her for that. i roll my eyes and alexis comes closer to me. we officially hug as she puts her head on my chest and her arms around my waist. i wrap my arms around her and we sit like that.

"you smell good." she laughs. i laugh at that also. "thanks." i say back.

we pull away and i look closer at her. her eyes look a little bloodshot and red, probably from crying earlier. her hands are shaking a bit and she's breathing heavy.

her friend seems to notice and grabs her shoulder. "you okay?" she asks. alexis just nods.

michael opens his arms for a hug and alexis goes running into his arms. i hear her let out a shaky breath as she hugs him. he rubs her head a bit and she nuzzles deeper into his arms.

they pull back and she has a smile on her face. ashton opens his arms as well and she tears up and hugs him.

- A S H T O N-

i open my arms for alexis. she starts tearing up and comes into my hold. "i love you ashton. you are so worthy and you deserve everything. don't let people get to you. i need you here." she whispers to me.

i don't even realize that i'm crying until she looks up at me and wipes a tear from my cheek.

- L U K E-

ashton never cries, i wonder what she said to him. i'll ask him in the car later. she pulls away from him and goes onto calum.

"hey babe." he says to her while rubbing her back slowly. after a bit, they pull away and all of us have smiles on our face.

"hey you never told us your name." mikey says to her friend. "oh i'm sorry. i'm kylie. i'm alexis' roommate." she says while brushing a few hairs out of her face.

"hi kylie." we all say in unison.

mike and kylie start talking as i take a sip of my cold brew. ugh it's so fuckin good.

alexis does the same and moans in goodness, meaning that she's really enjoying the coffee.

everyone starts to talking to themselves as alexis and i lock eyes.

if she only knew how i was feeling right now.

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