𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 37

51 1 2

- L U K E -

"so you guys are going back on tour!" feldy says to us happily. we all start chanting. we love going on tour.


what about alexis?

"but what about our girlfriends?" mikey says. he read my mind. "they can come with you or you may have to do long distance. even better, break up with them! you can get drunk whenever and party without any strings!" he says with a thumbs up.

mike and i both frown.

'how the hell am i supposed to tell alexis about this?' i think to myself.

i text alexis.

to: princess ❤️ - can i come over? i have to tell you something x

from: princess ❤️ - yea of course baby, is everything alright?

to: princess ❤️ - yup. see you in 15 x

i start to worry.

how do i tell her?

i know we've only known each other for a little while but i am really falling for her. she makes me feel like a better person. i want to work harder... for her. i wanna write good songs.... for her. i wanna do everything... for her.

i put my head in my hands.

i get up and walk to my car. i buckle my seatbelt and i start driving to alexis and kylie's apartment.


i got to their apartment and was greeted by kylie. "hey luke. looking for alexis?" she asks me. i nod and she points to her bedroom.

as i walk closer, i hear moving along playing lowly. i start humming to it and i knock on her door. i hear the music pause. "come in!" she calls.

i open the door slowly and i'm greeted by her smiley face. she's wearing my shirt and sweatpants. i smile at this and i pull her into a hug. "hi baby girl." i say while kissing her shoulder. "hi lukey." she says cutely.

we pull away and i set her down on her bed. "so what did you need to talk about?" she asks while continuing the music but putting it to a low setting.

"we talked to john today." i start. she nods. "we're uh- we're going back on tour.." i continue. "-and it's a world tour, so in 2 weeks we'll be in italy.." i finish. i look to her and her eyes are watering and her bottom lip is trembling.

"o-okay. it'll be good, i'm proud of you luke." she says while a tear escapes her eye. she quickly rubs it off. my heart breaks. i never want her to cry because of me.

we stay silent for a while. "can you say something baby?" i ask.

"can you go home? i love having you here, but i need to let this sink in." she says sadly. "yeah, of course. if you need me, just call. i'll come back if you want me to." i say. she just nods.

i kiss her head and i walk out.

"i love you luke." i hear her quietly whisper to herself. i act like i don't hear it and walk out completely.

i'm breaking her heart.

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