3Dec17 - Just Baptized

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"Pretty..." Bert tried for the 100th time, only to be met with an extension of theeee stronnnggest silent treatment EVER! Well... in a long time anyway. Cause of course Gerard had been capable of stewing in his bitterness for days on end in the past. It's been going on for a good 4 hours now and Bert could very well put an end to it any minute he likes but he too is trying to teach his husband a lesson. However... he feels it's his mission to keep trying to get Gerard to talk. "You know you're overreacting right? It's not a big deal." and perhaps aggravating him a bit more in the process.

Wrong move. Wrong fucking move. With zero warning, Bert feels a massive hand smack the fuck down on his cock and within seconds Bert's curled over on the couch outside while Gerard fucks off in a temper to his office.



"I'm not talking to you." Gerard pushes Bert's face right the fuck away from him. But also giving Dan a little look just to acknowledge his presence in the doorway.

Okay. That... was not the welcome home from tour stop Bert was expecting at all. The man drops his bag down on the floor and observes the look of utter hatred coming from his husband's face. "Woe woe woe, baby, what the fuck happened?" Suddenly anxiety kicks in cause Gerard hasn't looked at him like this in a long time and he can't quite figure out what he could've done to provoke it. He turns to Dan for some form of answers but the drummer just shrugs and slips Bert's duffel off his shoulder just as Jepha approaches the front of the house with a wave.

"Show me your dick." Gerard stands there crossing his arms over his chest while Bert's left to just blink.

"O-KAY... We're out." Dan backs away in fear now, not wanting to know or hear anything further. Jepha having only heard Gerard's demand also starts to back away and now Bert's scared when the door closes behind him.

"What?" Bert's stunned. But before he can wrap his head around what's going on, Gerard is already reaching for his pants... in a not very welcome way.

Bert backs up and manages to fight off Gerard's hands, "No no no no no... not with that attitude. Not trusting you with my penis when you have that look on your face. Where're the girls?"

Gerard is fuming as he stands there "M's out back with Sam, Cleo's napping. They don't know you're home."

Bert couldn't be more confused. "Are you accusing me of something? Are you trying to smell my dick or rip it off? Cause I'm telling you now, if you heard anything, Gerard..." keeping his hand out defensively, "... it's not fucking true. I didn't put it anywhere it doesn't belong." He's not lying. Definitely not lying. "I swear on the lives of our kids!"

This was just about the most ridiculous thing that's happened in years. Bert can't even remember the last time he was accused of cheating.

"Yeah cause how were you gonna fuck anyone if you're still in recovery!?" Gerard's hands were flying around in the air. Nothing he was saying made any kind of sense. Recovery? Bert's whole face screwed up. "Gerard, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"You got your fucking dick cut, you piece of shit!" and Gerard actually got emotional.

Bert paused, blinking at Gerard. Okay so... what? "Who the fuck told you I got my dick cut?" Bert stands back now really protecting his junk.

"You! You did, Bert!" Gerard pulls his phone up, getting the video he had just watched not 15 minutes before Bert arrived home.

Nothing special. Just a live performance video some fan uploaded to YouTube. Gerard liked to check those out while Bert was away. Especially when he missed Bert but also... because he knew that if any of the women they had been with before (and especially Frank's wife) if they had thought to check up on them like this... they would've been clued in a long time ago that shit gets... weird on tour.

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