08Apr11 - three's a crowd

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It was Bert's fault. Of course it was fucking Bert's fault. It was always his fucking fault. They weren't even mad at him anymore. Okay... maybe they were a little upset with him. It was getting to a point now where honestly, heartache wasn't excuse enough. It's not like they didn't know this was going to happen eventually. They had all seen how well it worked out the last time Bert broke up with Gerard. From the drinking, to the drugs to the near fucking suicide that Quinn had to save him from. But in all honesty, the major breakdowns back then... while horrifying and always left everyone shook and scared, had a plus side, which was that it also left them remembering how badly they need Bert and how hard they would fight to keep him alive and okay. This on the other hand... these random acts of vandalism and annoyance perpetuated by nothing other than a drunk frontman who hadn't even gotten to the crying stage of his grief yet... this was just the kind of shit that made everyone wonder if they wouldn't be better off running a bible shop back in Utah.

While many things had led up to their state of mind regarding their fearless leader, it was safe to say that Bert starting a fire on Quinn's bed then running out to get water, not finding any and then running back to take a piss on said fire, only mistaking Dan's room for Quinn's and then proceeding to take a piss all over Dan's mattress (which was completely flameless I might add)... was the reason the three men found themselves all sharing Bert's mattress on this particular night. Of course Jepha had washed his hands of the situation, declaring his own bedroom a bandmate free zone. And Bert didn't have much of a choice since it was his actions that led them all there.

Everyone was finding it kind'a difficult to sleep. Everyone except Bert of course. No he was passed the fuck out and already drooling on his pillow, clutching the cast on his hand and wrist from the tumble he took off the stage. Sweaty black mop vailing his face. Dan lay on the other end, eyes closed and desperately counting lamas to try and find the rest he needed. Luckily for them Bert's mattress was a king size and had plenty space for the tall fuck in the middle.

Quinn had been counting other things. Not lamas, not sheep, not bodies... but rather days, weeks and months. It had been 3 days short of 3 full months since Bert had left that fairy queen. Apparently no one was staying in their house at the moment as Bert wouldn't allow Gerard in and Bert had to be in the band house with the guys. As well as away from all things Gerard. No one knew for sure exactly what was going on. It almost felt as if Bert was somehow waiting for something... or possibly a little in denial about it being over. He was different this time. He hadn't cried, he hadn't resorted to anything harder than coke AND... he hadn't fucking touched anyone else. Well, as far as they knew anyway. Sometimes Bert did have a sneaky way of doing things, but as it stood, they were pretty sure Bert hadn't once taken his dick out to do anything but piss. This reality wasn't something that sat well with anyone really. It wasn't like him. He just wanted to record, play and drink. He bearly took part in interviews and when he did, it was like pulling teeth. He almost always embarrassed the poor soul trying to ask him questions. Because even when he was wasted, he was still smarter than everyone in the room and didn't give a fuck about making people look stupid.

Quinn wasn't surprised that Gerard had cheated on Bert again. Well... Bert didn't say that's what happened but Quinn figured it out pretty damn quickly. The last time Bert had actually answered one of Gerard's calls over two months ago, there were some words that clued Quinn in. Though Gerard's calls had to that day not stopped, Bert never answered them. He just let it buzz and buzz and buzz. Today marked the beginning of what they know to be the manic Bert phase of grievance. 2007 all over again. It wasn't even 11:30pm yet and he was already passed out, just from sheer exhaustion brought on by his various crazy episodes throughout the day.

Quinn wasn't exactly sober either. He hadn't done a damn thing to try and stop the madness. Hense his current situation of having to pay for it laying between Bert and Dan. But he wasn't complaining. He was a little drunk and starting to justify and encourage his own ill advised actions. Telling himself that burying his face in Bert's neck and letting his fingers dance around the man's waist, is a good idea.

"Mhmmm" was about all Quinn needed to hear for him to continue on his path. And even though Bert was a bit of a drunk mess, his body didn't take long at all to respond. Partly because Quinn happened to know his weak spots and partly because no one had touched Bert like that since the night before he kicked Gerard out. The man was starved for affection as well as maybe looking for some kind'a way to hurt Gerard back. Retaliation was something he had subdued in himself for the sake of keeping his relationship healthy but it wasn't healthy. None of this was healthy. If Bert were an honest man, he would say that he wasn't even 100% sure on who was feeling him up. He wasn't 100% sure he cared. He half thought it might be Gerard, though a part of him knew it wasn't. By the time Quinn's hand was around his cock, he knew exactly whose dick was pressing against his butt. And why not? Quinn wanted him, Quinn knew what he was doing, Quinn could make him feel better, Quinn was still the best fuck Bert had ever had. He would never ever ever tell Gerard that but it was the goddamn truth and a truth he was being reminded of as every second went by.

Bert wasn't gonna fight it, he couldn't even if he wanted to. And he didn't really want to. Feeling something else right about now was a welcome distraction from the intoxication and the hole he felt in his heart. So with that Bert let Quinn slip between his thighs, quietly and smoothly, trying not to disturb their other bandmate who seemed to have fallen fast asleep. It took about 15 seconds for Quinn to get Bert's shorts off and get the tip of his cock inside. One hand over Bert's mouth at first that slowly slipped away as he etched deeper and deeper.

It didn't last long between discreet thrusts, panting and desperate gasps for air from each other's mouths, Bert let out a few little moans and whimpers as he spilled out between their bodies and Quinn finished inside him buring his face in Bert's neck before slipping off his body again and passing out properly. He had tried to pull Bert in to hold the singer but got rejected flat as the man shook him off and curled up into himself. Quinn drifted off unable to keep himself awake while the only one left to witness Bert finally break down and cry was a very shaken up Dan who had tried to back himself away as far as possible on the mattress.

The whole thing had sobered their frontman up quite a bit and it was with a sober mind that Bert reached for his phone in the dead of night, seeing that it had reached passed 12am. He searched through his missed called and pressed dial. After about two rings the sound of a broken smokey voice whispered his name and all Bert could say at that point was "Happy Birthday, Pretty."

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