31Oct19 - Late Night Snack

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"Baby..." Gerard's hushed little voice coos in bed. It must be 3am or something ridiculous like that. He's been having trouble sleeping lately. Finding himself roaming through the house at all hours of the morning. Sometimes sitting outside in the garden and acquainting himself with all the creatures of the night. It wasn't one thing, in particular, keeping him up or at least if it was, he hadn't gotten around to sifting through all of the things in his life that keeps piling on and on and on. From Umbrella Academy season 2 to the comics, the music, the events and interviews he's had to do lately, agreeing to score Clerks 3 for Kevin, Frank releasing that 'way too fucking revealing for his nerves' album earlier this year, his idiotic partner who now seems to be in competition with Frank about who can drive Gerard to an early grave the quickest. The kids... school. All that shit.

But tonight for the first time in a long time, he wasn't awake because of stress. Okay maybe a little stress. Stress he needed a distraction from. But also... the reason why he was running his nose up the shape of Bert's ear in the middle of the night was also because well... Gerard was horny. "Bert... wake up." he tried again, breathing out against his lover's neck. After so many years he knew that was still a sure fire way to rouse the man. A tiny little smirk played on his lips the moment he saw Bert's nose start to twitch. "Wakey, wakey, protein shakey." he chuckles a bit in Bert's ear, immediately provoking a groan.

"Hmmm?" Bert smiles a bit. Still more than half asleep but enjoying how close Gerard's body is to him. "stillcan'tsleep?" mumbing into the pillow and blindly reaching back behind himself to feel Gerard's soft greasy hair, smiling more at the little kisses he feels against the back of his head. This is nice. This is what you can only hope for after everything they'd been through in the last 16 years.

"You want me'ta sing to you?" Gerard bites his lips, breathing in the scent of Bert's activated charcoal shampoo. He didn't know what was coming over him all of a sudden. This immediate need to be intimate right now instead of breathing in the crisp night air outside that has become part of his routine.

Bert sighed out a happy sigh. What a sweet thought. "Whatwouldmakeyouwannado..." his eyes opened briefly, blinking once as the penny dropped in his mind. "... oooh." he starts to bite his lip too. THAT kind'a singing. He suddenly becomes more aware of both his and Gerard's bodies and then the kisses that now moved into his neck. "Mhmmm..." he groans, pinching his eyes shut.

Gerard takes that as a yes and gets right up in Bert's neck, allowing his hand to find those abs Bert's been working so hard at lately. And boi has it paid off. All of a sudden out of nowhere Gerard finds himself in bed next to a firm slice of beef every night. And while it took some getting used to, Gerard is definitly not going to complain about any of it. Instead he softly starts singing, "Baby, you're a haunted house..." he runs his hand up under Bert's shirt to feel that smooth tummy. His cock immediately twitches thinking about the afternoon they took that hair removal cream to Bert's whole body. "... you better find another superstition."

Bert moans "Aah..." and starts to chew his bottom lip as Gerard's fingers dance over his abs and around his navel. Immediately he starts to shiver. The song in his neck doing what songs in his neck always do. The feeling of Gerard's cock pushing against him only hastening the results.

"we're gonna stay in love some how..." god, his body is so smooth. Gerard knew he would fucking love Bert being without his body hair and he was happy Bert continued doing it after that first time. This new look of his lover was really something. Every look Bert had ever had Gerard had strangly and against all better jugement... found himself viciously attraced to. That was just always part of Bert's charm. To make nasty look so damn sexy. But this time was different. This time Bert was making sexy look so motherfucking sexy. Muscles were never Gerard's thing until Bert started getting them. But now he wanted to eat this man alive everytime he watched him do his work out routine. So he took his time, letting his hand find the waistband of Bert's pajama pants, "cause baby you're a haunted house now." and slipped his hand inside and over the smooth surface and found Bert's dick.

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